New BIM readiness survey launched


A new sector-wide survey will investigate the readiness of the UK’s building sector to implement BIM Level 2 before the 2016 deadline…

A sector-wide BIM survey has been launched by the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA), the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), and construction magazine Building. It will be supported by other organisations such as the British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association (BEAMA).

The study will examine the readiness of the building sector to engage with BIM during the next six to 12 months.

Level 2 BIM will incorporate digital building information into projects. This will enable those constructing and maintaining the building and its services to share data effectively.

The government requires all centrally procured projects to use collaborative 3D BIM by spring 2016 to ensure the sector is unlocking all the benefits—including cost savings—during a project’s life-cycle.

ECA Director of Business Services Paul Reeve said: “This sector-wide survey will provide much needed and very timely information on how ready the building services sector is to engage with BIM as we approach the 2016 government deadline.

“We urge all building services companies to take part in the new survey, and we will be sharing the data with the industry, the Government and other stakeholders when the results are in during September 2015.”

CIBSE Technical Director Hywel Davies also commented, stating: “Government is committed to using BIM to improve its management and operation of buildings and infrastructure.

“Mechanical, electrical and plumbing services are all critical to the effective operation of buildings.

“Our sector is involved in the operational life and performance of built assets, not just the design and delivery.

“This survey is important for our sector to understand how well prepared we are for BIM.”

The study, which is expected to run until September this year, has been welcomed by construction specialist BSRIA.

Principal Consultant and BIM specialist John Sands said: “With the implementation of the UK Government’s Level 2 BIM mandate just a few months away, the building services industry should be in a position to make the most of the opportunities it will present.

“This survey will help us all to identify where we are in the BIM journey, and to enable us to plan the way forward to BIM maturity.”


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