Programme for BIM Convention announced


Looking for insight into BIM and how you can implement it into your firm? A new conference in Scotland, held on 22 October, will offer a unique perspective for small and large firms…

With the deadline for BIM Level 2 compliance looming ever closer on the horizon, the topic is hotter than ever. 2016 will undoubtedly be an interesting year, as the sector prepares to meet the government’s target for compliance. This will ensure all public sector projects use BIM Level 2, with the aim of pushing the standard across all parts of the construction industry before seeking to implement BIM Level 3.

BIM has certainly remained a topic at the forefront of the sector, with many questioning whether or not the industry will be ready in time to meet the March 2016 deadline. In a bid to discern just how ready the industry is, the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA), the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), and BSRIA conducted an industry-wide survey to test BIM-readiness. The results of which are expected this month.

Last month, leading BIM expert David Philp spoke to Editor Lisa Carnwell. Philp said the outlook was positive and that he believed the industry would be ready in time.

“I really think we have started to nudge industry in the right direction and I genuinely believe that by the time we reach March 2016, we will be well-placed in terms of achieving what we set out to do with the BIM mandate.”

Whether the sector will be ready or not, BIM is coming to a construction organisation near you. It is set to infiltrate every aspect of the building process, and why wouldn’t it? BIM has the ability to save time, money, and improve efficiency.

With BIM ever present in the collective mind of the construction sector, a new conference scheduled on 22 October hopes to provide insight into the reality of implementing BIM into both small and large firms.

The conference, which will be held at the Glasgow City Hotel Cambridge, will include expert speakers who will provide a unique perspective into BIM.

The programme for the day is as follows:

08.00 – 08.30 Registration

08.30 – 08.40 Welcome and Introductions

08.40 – 09.10 Collaboration Case Study presented by Alan Paterson, Fife Council Property Services & Brian Jukes, BFL

09.15 – 09.45 BIM in Scotland, Graham Stewart – Head of BIM, Ramboll

09.45 – 10.00 Coffee Break

10.05 – 10.35 SME Perspective, Don McLean, Managing Director, McLean Architects

10.40 – 11.10 Main Contractors Perspective, Andy Walker, BIM Champion, Morgan Sindall

11.15 – 11.40 Legal Perspective, TBA

11.45 – 12.05 Recruitment Issues, TBA

12.10 – 12.40 Question Time Panel

12.40 – 13.30 Buffet Lunch

To book your place and find out more visit


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