RICS BIM4SME Awards open to all companies of all size


The RICS BIM4SME Awards, which recognises best practice and excellence, is open to all businesses until 7 August 2017

The annual RICS BIM4SME Awards will be hosted on 12 September 2017 at Westminster Boating Base, London. The event is jointly held by RICS and the BIM4SME team and aims to promote SME achievements and adoption of BIM on projects. It also highlights the opportunities BIM presents to firms.

Despite the name of the awards, it remains open to all size companies, not just SMEs and is not focused solely on RICS members.


Awards will be given across 10 different categories. This comprises of:

  • Best use of BIM for Construction Sequencing
  • Best use of BIM for use of Embedded Data
  • Best use of BIM for Health & Safety
  • Best use of BIM for Costing and Material Take-off
  • Best Embedment of BIM into Contracts
  • Best Virtual Reality BIM
  • Best use of BIM for Sustainability
  • Best use of BIM to enhance Model Coordination
  • Best BIM project for Subcontractor Engagement
  • Best overall BIM Project

Entries for the awards must be submitted by 7 August 2017. To enter visit the awards website.


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