Stroma Group become a new signatory of the UK BIM Alliance


The Stroma Group has become a signatory of the UK BIM Alliance, along with Niraj Mistry of Stroma Certification leading the upskilling stream for the projects team at the UK BIM Alliance

The UK BIM Alliance is working towards BIM Level 2 becoming business as usual through the digitisation of the built environment. The Alliance is also now the UK and Ireland chapter of buildingSMART which means standardisation is a key objective. These are just some of the reasons why Stroma has signed up as a signatory.

Martin Holt, CEO of Stroma Group said: “Having spoken with the Executive Team at the Alliance, it became apparent that we had a number of aligned objectives which made the decision to become a signatory very easy.

Anne Kemp, Director Atkins Global, Chair UKBIMA added: “Great news to have Stroma sign up as a signatory to the UK BIM Alliance and we look forward to working with them going forward.”

Niraj Mistry to Lead UK BIM Alliance BIM Upskilling Stream

Niraj Mistry, Lead BIM Assessor at Stroma Certification, has been given the important role of leading the upskilling stream for the projects team at the UK BIM Alliance. The upskilling stream will provide the UK and Ireland with a much-needed standardised competency framework for personnel and businesses engaged in BIM.

The aim will be to define clear routes to demonstrate competence of industry personnel engaged in BIM roles, as well as providing paths to competence for those in post 16 education to access careers in BIM.

From an engineering and energy background, Niraj has over 10 years’ experience of developing national occupational standards, specifications, standards, qualifications and certification schemes for personnel and organisations.

Niraj Mistry, Head of BIM (Stroma Certification), Upskilling Lead (UKBA), said: “I look forward to pushing this forward and do not underestimate the scale of the task ahead. There has been significant advance in BIM since it began and we need competent people and organisations to deliver the work. This workstream will create opportunities for those looking for a future in BIM, and give us all confidence in those carrying it out.”

Holt said: “I am pleased to have signed for Stroma as Signatory to the UK BIM Alliance. The strategic goals of Stroma and the UK BIM Alliance are closely aligned and we are committed to championing digitisation throughout the industry.”

Rick Hartwig, Sector Head – Built Environment, The IET, Projects Lead (UKBIMA) added: “Niraj and I have spoken many times over the last month or so and we both agreed that he was best placed to pick up the reins of the Upskilling project at the Alliance. With his connections, skills and industry knowledge, I expect great results, which in turn leads to great results for the industry.”

Call for Support

If you are interested in supporting the UK BIM Alliance Upskilling Stream, please click here to volunteer. Alternatively, get in touch on 0845 621 11 11 or email

To discover more about Stroma, visit

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