Verification of BIM Level 2 capability for design and construction from BSI


BSI’s verification and training solutions help underpin the BIM curve as explained here by Charlotte Broady, UK Propositions Manager, Construction and Personal Safety at BSI Group

In today’s construction industry, the drive for faster, more efficient delivery of infrastructure or building projects has never been more challenging. Efforts to improve efficiency are difficult in a market that is too often defined by low margins, aggressive procurement, skills shortages, uncertain work pipelines and complex supply chains. The use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) is becoming more and more commonplace as a route which addresses the issue of collaboration and increased efficiency.

The adoption of BIM requires organisations and individuals to change the way they work. They must accept that traditional roles within the supply chain and client organisations may need to be redefined to successfully implement the new processes and information management requirements of BIM. However, this approach offers multiple benefits including faster, safer and ultimately, more efficient solutions for clients. As the construction industry is being revolutionised by the increasing adoption of BIM, it’s crucial that all parties in the supply chain are aware of these changes and what it may mean for their organisation.

BSI’s collaborative approach

At BSI, our approach around certification and training has been clearly defined by listening to, and understanding the needs of our clients. Designed with all parties in the supply chain in mind, from Tier 1s, Tier 2s and beyond, we’ve developed the first in a series of certification solutions which critically verifies compliance with one of the key standards as defined in the BIM Level 2 toolkit, known as PAS 1192-2 (the design & construction phase). Tier 1 and 2 organisations such as Skanska UK, BAM Construct UK, Balfour Beatty, VolkerFitzpatrick, AHR and many others have already achieved verification to PAS 1192-2 as their route to compliance, and are reaping the benefits.

“We’ve been able to spread our brand wider by marketing the company as a Certified Practitioner of Level 2 BIM for Design & Construction … Client assurance is a major benefit of BSI certification for us,” commented Rob Dingwall, Head of Planning and Design, VolkerFitzpatrick.

Companies should seize the opportunity to get ahead

It’s possible that some companies may be left behind as BIM gathers pace. Besides the UK Government condition of contract for all UK Government projects since April 2016 to be delivered using BIM Level 2, it’s clear that the industry could be split between companies who do, and those that don’t deliver BIM projects. Commercial opportunities could be retained only for those who have embraced this technology and collaborative approach. There may be challenges along the way including a cultural acceptance of collaboration, trust and embracing of the digital world, but the rewards could be significant.

Being amongst the first to market with BSI’s Verification Certification to PAS 1192-2 has significant commercial advantages. For those bidding for public sector or local authority contracts, PAS 1192-2 certification is cited in the pre-tender pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ): PAS 91 (Table 8). Our Verification Certification delivers proof of an organisation’s capability to work in compliance with PAS 1192-2 and enables companies to bypass the BIM questions in the PQQ.

The time saved through no longer having to provide evidence of BIM capability is a significant advantage with associated cost savings to be made too. For Tier 2 organisations, Verification to PAS 1192-2 can support their case in being selected as a preferred supplier for a Tier 1 organisation. Clearly, there is a competitive advantage both up and down the supply chain.

Levels of awareness in the industry and the journey

What has become evident to the BSI BIM team over the last few months, is that companies are at different stages on their BIM journey. From our insight, there is an appetite to get on board, and levels of awareness vary as to what that means in practice. Some company representatives are fully aware of the importance of BIM, and are looking to help educate others in their business to get them up to speed and realise the opportunity. Others are already at this stage, have a good understanding of how they can use it to get ahead, and are now looking to implement BIM into their business.

BSI training: the journey towards certification

Clients who have attended our training courses have confirmed that we have dispelled the myths around BIM Level 2.

Alan Harris, Quality Manager, Voestalpine Metsec plc commented:

“The BSI BIM fundamentals course gave clarity to the standards and provided a true definition of BIM and its true intentions. Metsec was able to quickly transfer the knowledge gained from this course and implement into our design and manufacturing activities.”

Our objectives are clear – we want to help delegates identify the importance of BIM, the processes and procedures that relate to BIM Level 2 and the importance of information management. We are working with all types of companies to help improve their understanding, and make sure that they have the best preparation to take them to the next stage.

Help is at hand

Our training solutions have been designed to clearly support our clients on their journey towards certification. For example, some clients choose to use our training services after they have completed the gap analysis prior to their formal assessment to PAS 1192-2. It’s at this stage when training needs could be identified.

The BSI BIM courses are written using the BIM Learning Outcomes Framework that have been developed by the government funded BIM Task Group to ensure training and knowledge is consistent in the UK market. These courses form a strong foundation for those wanting to understand the importance of BIM (BIM Fundamentals), those wanting to embed BIM within their organisations (BIM Implementation) and then in a more detailed fashion, the practical application of the processes and procedures and management of BIM in the context of the UK construction industry.

Our courses provide delegates with an overall view of the process that supports BIM, not only through design and construction but into asset management. The courses break apart how the processes should be undertaken and the roles and requirements needed to successfully achieve this. ■

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Charlotte Broady

UK Propositions Manager, Construction & Personal Safety

BSI Group

Tel: +44 345 0765 606

Twitter @BSI_UK


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