Guidance launched for BIM for housing associations


The National Housing Federation and UK BIM Alliance have joined forces to help housing associations implement digital asset management

This week they launched an introductory brochure, ‘BIM for housing associations: Asset management in the 21st century’.

The project team is led by Jack Ostrofsky, head of quality and design at Southern Housing Group, and funded by A2 Dominion, Notting Hill Genesis, Peabody, Optivo and Southern Housing Group.

Managing digital asset information

In the context of the Grenfell Tragedy, the Hackitt Review and the recent draft Building Safety Bill, pressure is mounting to manage the creation, handover and retention of vital building and fire safety information.

BIM is the managed scoping, production, checking and delivery of digital asset information.

BIM can, therefore, help housing associations meet and maintain a building safety case, but it will also bring other benefits.

An accurate and reliable information model will ease procurement and handover, assist asset management and reduce cost and waste.

However, whilst housing associations are well placed to benefit from integrating BIM processes into their development and asset management strategies, few hold sufficient information about their projects, and even fewer in digital form.

This project is developing a set of exemplar documents, compliant with the latest ISO 19650 processes, which together with a report will provide a quick start guide to implementing digital processes.

The guide will cover:

  • The business case, including examples of projects in action.
  • The benefits of applying BIM processes to existing buildings.
  • Exemplar Asset Information Requirements for asset management.
  • Exemplar Exchange Information Requirements for development projects.
  • Advice on the procurement process and appointment of relevant professionals.

The project brings together participants from across the housing sector and from industry including asset managers from associations of all sizes, with support from those working in the field including architects, engineers, BIM consultants, and contractors.

The BIM for housing associations project has been underway since 2019 and is aiming to publish its suite of documents towards the end of 2020.

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