‘Breathe in Brighton’ event aims to tackle Brighton’s transport pollution


Brighton-based environmental consultancy, Argyll Environmental, has partnered with the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre to host a second public event to raise awareness of air transport pollution in the city with a focus on transport and reducing emissions.

Taking place on Monday 16th July from 4:30pm at the Brighthelm Centre on North Road, the event will provide a platform for local transport companies and the Council to voice their current and future plans to reduce air transport pollution in Brighton. It will also be an opportunity to showcase local organisations who are working on this issue and discuss ways in which everyone can make a positive change.

Chris Loaring, head of consultancy at Argyll Environmental said: “The Breathe in Brighton event aims to increase awareness of transport’s contribution to air pollution in Brighton. We want to inform the local community and decision makers of its impact on health and the environment, and discuss solutions to reduce transport-related pollution.

Following a successful event last September, we extend an open invitation to attend the Breathe in Brighton event on the 16th July at the Brighthelm Centre.  The event will include speakers from local transport companies, the Council, air quality experts from the University of Brighton and walking and cycling charity Sustrans. The aim is to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and help us create and shape the future of Brighton’s transport – for the benefit of everyone’s health and wellbeing.”

Speaking for the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre, Mike Butler said: “Each year as many as 40,000 lives are shortened by poor air quality and it costs the NHS £20 billion annually – it’s a public health emergency. Road transport has continued to be the main cause of air pollution in Brighton & Hove. Through this campaign we are promoting the benefits of public transport and cycling, and working with the Council to be ambitious in its efforts to tackle this problem.

Engaging with the city

We want to engage with local taxi and bus companies to encourage them to reduce their emissions in the city. We are also campaigning to reduce traffic flows around Brighton Station, Preston Circus and North Street to significantly improve air quality for local residents.”

Brighton is not the only city suffering poor air quality. This problem extends across many other cities around the UK. It is becoming an ever more high profile issue given the damage to health and reduction in life expectancy.”

Landmark Information offers an Air Quality Report and wider consultancy services which assess and quantify local air quality across the UK.

Please register for your free ticket for the Breathe in Bright event here

Breathe Brighton - tackling air traffic pollution

For more information or to show your support, follow Breathe in Brighton on Twitter at https://twitter.com/breathebrighton or email breatheinbrighton@gmail.com. Alternatively visit www.argyllenviro.co.uk.


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