Creating sustainable heating networks for the long term

Uponor Ecoflex Thermo PRO, Hamburg, 12.10.2016 | [© (c) Martin Zitzlaff, Lehmweg 55, 20251 Hamburg, Germany, Tel. +491711940261,,, Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar (MFM) und Belegexemplar, mit Namensnennung] [#0,26,121#]

Mark Dowdeswell, senior category manager at Uponor, explains why district heating networks offer housebuilders and developers a viable way to decarbonise their housing stock and help to reduce energy bills for residents

District heating networks have seen a resurgence of interest in the UK. This is mainly due to industry innovations which enable heat networks to lower carbon emissions and deliver heat in a more efficient and costly manner.

With fuel bills at the forefront of everybody’s mind, and lower carbon emissions in the same bracket, housing providers need to consider different options to decrease both energy bills and the impact on our planet.

District heating networks have been used in the UK since the 1960s, but the scale at which they have been adopted is not substantial enough. We are still far behind the rest of Europe, where heat networks meet about 12% of the EU’s heat demand. In fact, district heating is common in the Nordic and Baltic regions, and Copenhagen has the world’s most extensive district heating system, servicing over an incredible 98% of buildings, making it miles ahead of any city in the UK.

Why is this relevant? Well, the government believes that district heating networks can reduce fuel bills by 30% and has made it clear that it wants to see a wider uptake of these networks to reduce CO2 emissions and meet the UK’s 2050 net zero targets. Currently, only about 2% of the UK’s heat is delivered by heat networks, but it is believed that this should increase to 20% by 2050.

If we were to reach – or even exceed – this goal, it could have a significant impact on both the carbon and financial costs of heating our homes.

trench with pipes superimposed over the top.Sustainable energy solutions

District heating networks are a system where heat is generated from a central energy source from which heating and domestic hot water can be distributed through an underground network of insulated pipes to several properties. These can be homes in new housing development, multi-occupancy buildings, or a combination of both.

These networks allow homes to be connected to a reliable and efficient heat source, even if they are not on the gas network, which decreases the reliance on fossil fuels. This means that they can be coupled with renewable technologies such as wind, solar and hydro to provide a cleaner, more sustainable energy system.

Inside the home, district heating networks are also an ideal solution to be paired with lower energy heating systems such as underfloor heating, which provide greater thermal comfort by heating rooms and larger areas evenly. This is because heat networks operate at low temperatures and offer a more energy-efficient and cost-effective way to heat and cool property. Using high-performance insulated pipes with a high degree of flexibility will also reduce the number of required connections, which minimises the possibility of leaks occurring and further improves the system’s efficiency.

Furthermore, as technologies advance, the industry is constantly finding new ways to provide energy for these networks. Waste heat can be harnessed from thermal power stations and industrial sites. Even heat from the London Underground is being used to provide heat and hot water for homes and businesses in Islington.

Reaching the full potential of heating networks

With the growing demand for district heating networks, it has become clear that there is a need for updated guidance and regulation of the sector to enable networks to deliver their full potential. To meet this need, the government has proposed “heat network zoning”, where buildings in a specified zone will be given a timeframe to connect to a heat network and has appointed Ofgem as the new regulator for this practice.

In January 2021, CIBSE released its second edition of the Heat Networks: Code of Practice for the UK (CIP1) to improve the design quality, installation and operation of low-carbon heat networks in the UK. The updated CPI (2020) includes enhanced minimum standards and further detail on insulation standards for primary pipework.

It also recommends reduced temperature flow for new schemes, which is pushing designers, specifiers and installers towards fourth and fifth-generation heat networks, both of which are well suited to flexible, pre-insulated polymer pipework.

Heat networks in practice

There have already been several successful district heating projects in the UK. Finn Geotherm’s landmark renewable heating scheme in Felixstowe for Flagship Homes has significantly cut heating bills and carbon emissions for more than 100 houses, flats and bungalows. By installing six large-scale district heating schemes using pre-insulated piping, residents now benefit from cheaper heating bills, which have decreased by 70%, and with energy use being reduced by the same (70%), the scheme has considerably decreased carbon emissions in the community.

To further prove the positive impacts of heat networks, government research has found that district heating networks can cut carbon emissions from new housing developments by up to 70% and create energy bill savings of at least 30% when replacing electric heaters with heating networks in tower blocks. This means that heat networks are not only a good solution for the environment but also that the cost of delivering heat to residents could be as little as 24p/kWh per day, compared with an equivalent figure of 34p/kWh for electric heating, by the end of 2022, according to the latest figures from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

These are substantial results when you consider the current energy crisis and the need to address climate change. It is clear that district heating networks are proving their value and showing that they can positively impact carbon emissions whilst also providing a more affordable and energy-efficient living environment for residents.

Lower-cost solutions for the long-term

In order to decarbonise the UK’s housing stock and cut energy costs for residents, district heating networks should be considered as a key solution in the housing sector. Ultimately, residents will benefit not only from the efficient operation of a system but also from economies of scale, which will help them to heat their homes at a lower cost, in comparison with using individual heating systems.

Furthermore, as the practice and legislation around heat networks continue to improve, more and more housebuilders and developers will realise the benefits of district heating networks for both them and the residents. Not only do they help to decrease carbon costs and help developers to reach net zero, but residents can enjoy thermal comfort and improved indoor air quality, all while paying lower bills, which creates a more sustainable method of heating in the long term.


Mark Dowdeswell

Senior category manager


Tel: +44 (0)1923 927000






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