London developers warned to be aware of zero carbon requirement


Developers in London have been urged to ensure they understand new zero carbon requirement set to come into force by the end of the summer…

The UK Green Building Council (UK-GBC) has warned London developers to be aware of changes to zero carbon requirements when putting forward planning applications.

From the end of the summer the requirements for zero carbon building is set to change. As of the 1 October, housing in London will be expected to meet standards 35 per cent stricter than Part L of building regulations. Failure to do so will see developers pay cash in lieu into a carbon offset fund. However, UK-GBC policy advisor Richard Twinn said many developers were unaware of the change.

Twinn said: “Most people haven’t got their heads round what’s happening [through the London Plan].

“There are a lot of developers who haven’t twigged that it’s going to be effectively zero carbon.

“But it’s big news and people need to be aware it’s coming. Developers will have to go further than they ever needed to before or their schemes will be turned down.”

The requirements were revealed earlier this year by the Greater London Authority (GLA), which has the power to impose sustainability regulations. Twinn said the carbon offsetting fund, used to penalise developers for failing to build zero carbon homes, might incentivise developers to reduce their carbon footprint.

“It’s going to require architects to go further than they have before,” he said.

“They will need to be on the front foot if they want to secure work in London. Developers will be looking for things that can be done on site to help them minimise their offsetting costs.

“So there’s an opportunity for people who know their stuff and have innovative ideas to make an impact on the London market.”


  1. Zero Carbon Hub Buildings
    Habitable Bio Mass burners.
    Lessened airflow increased carbonisation of the atmosphere due to the “Lack Of Oxygen” perilous situation for the Occupants


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