CSIC and SEPA sign Sustainable Growth Agreement


Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) have signed the Sustainable Growth Agreement to advocate for a sustainable future for the built environment, supporting innovation and inclusive growth

The Sustainable Growth Agreement sets out a joint vision for the construction sector and recognises the need to build resilient and sustainable places for people to live and work.

This is not the first time CSIC and SEPA have worked together so this agreement is building upon collaboration on a number of innovation projects, housing and infrastructure sector plans, a funding call for circular construction initiatives, and a range of industry workshops, conferences and events.

The partnership focuses on three main areas:

  • to support the industry’s journey to net zero
  • increase resilience in the built environment
  • encourage investment in green infrastructure

To achieve these goals, the partnership must bring the right people together.  The innovation centre and environmental regulator must also support sector leaders and innovators to lead the transformation and ensure that they provide examples of future best practice across the supply chain.

A focus of the Sustainable Growth Agreement is on developing the skills of the construction workforce – leadership to entry-level – including a variety of in-person training courses, practical sessions, webinars, and mentoring opportunities will help provide the level of skills necessary to deliver a low carbon built environment.

Both CSIC and SEPA are aware of the urgency behind the Sustainable Growth Agreement – the sector needs to get to zero carbon before it is too late.

They view the collaboration of the right people as central to this aim.

‘Current, and future, generations can work, learn, live and prosper’

Stephen Good, CEO of CSIC, said:

“With increased innovation and new ways of working across the processes, materials, systems and skills used by the built environment, we can create a sustainable future for Scotland.

“The buildings we live and work in, and how we build them, are central to our economic, social and environmental impact.

“This partnership with SEPA cements an already successful relationship which we hope to further build on with cross-sector collaboration for the benefit of the entire sector.

“As well as reaching net zero carbon targets, we have an opportunity laid out in front of us to create a better place in which current, and future, generations can work, learn, live and prosper.”

Terry A’Hearn, SEPA CEO, added:

“We’re in the middle of a climate and nature emergency and we need to be taking steps to secure the prosperity and future of our planet.

“The construction industry literally builds the future, but the industry needs to reduce the resources it uses and create less waste to help create a prosperous future and meet the ambitious net zero targets set by Scottish Government.

“The Construction Scotland Innovation Centre is already delivering innovation that will drive net zero in the industry in Scotland, developing different ways of working.

“Swift, rapid innovation is the key to building and implementing those solutions and ensuring net zero targets are achieved.

“As a regulator, SEPA will stop bad practice in the industry, as a good regulator should. But we also need to encourage innovation.

“This Sustainable Growth Agreement (SGA) with Construction Scotland Innovation Centre will support this step change in the construction sector, tackling the risks and ensuring environmental compliance is the norm.”

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