WGBC outlines plans to create net zero buildings by 2050


The World Green Building Council has launched a strategy aimed at delivering net zero buildings by 2050…

Buildings are responsible for significant carbon output. Reducing the impact of buildings on the environment remains a pivotal part of meeting global emissions targets.

The World Green Building Council (WGBC) has revealed a new ambitious strategy which aims to ensure all buildings do not impact the environment by 2050. This ‘net zero’ plan will be achieved via a combination of energy efficiency measures and clean energy generation.

The plans, ‘Advancing Net Zero’, will initially involve Green Building Councils from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Netherlands, South Africa, and Sweden. These organisations will work alongside Architecture 2030, a non-profit firm established in 2002 to combat climate change through transforming the built environment. Together, these groups will develop a net zero certification standard and promote techniques that reduce emissions in the construction sector.

The plans build upon earlier commitments made by 74 Green Building Councils during the summit in Paris and fall in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, which aim to cut emissions by 2050.

WGBC’s head Terri Wills said: “The success of our ambitions to keep global warming to within 1.5 to 2 degrees will depend on our ability to advance net zero buildings – those which generate clean energy and produce no net emissions.

“Net zero buildings will be a defining contribution in our efforts to tackle climate change. Getting down to zero won’t be easy.

“This will be a long and challenging road but together with the dedication and expertise of our Green Building Councils and partners, we can create a thriving market for highly efficient buildings and make net zero the new normal.”

The plans will also include net zero training programmes, aimed at professionals working in the built environment.

Additionally, some 75,000 building professionals will be trained in the area of net zero by 2030, increasing to 300,000 by 2050. All national Green Building Councils operating certification schemes will also have net zero tools in place by 2030.

Chief executive of the Green Building Council of Australia Romilly Madew said: “We have strong and credible evidence that we can reach net zero in our built environment by 2050, while delivering healthier, more productive cities using technologies that exist today.

“We have the skills, the technology and the knowledge. Now it’s time to take action.”

It is expected the plan will expand to include other GBC in the future.


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