Falls from height remain most common fatal injury in construction

Injuries in construction, construction,

Over half of fatal injuries to workers in 2020/21 were in the construction sector and agriculture, the number of work-related death in construction was 39, according to the HSE

The total number of fatal injuries was 142 in Great Britain in 2020/21, an increase of 29 from the previous year, though the number of deaths in 2019/20 (113) was low compared to other recent years.

In statistical terms the number of fatalities has remained broadly level in recent years – the average annual number of workers killed at work over the five years 2016/17-2020/21 is 136.

By accident kind

The most common kind of fatal injuries to workers continues as falls from a height, being struck by a moving vehicle and being struck by a moving object, between them accounting for over half of all fatal accidents to workers in 2020/21.

The rate of fatal injury to workers showed a generally downward trend but has been broadly flat in recent years.

It should be noted though that the coronavirus pandemic and the government response to its impact have had a significant effect on the UK labour market in 2020/21.

Many businesses have ceased operating or have changed their working practices, while government interventions have allowed for the furloughing of workers.

Taking account of differing employment levels between sectors, then the rate of fatal injuries per 100,000 workers is greatest in agriculture, forestry and fishing and waste and recycling.

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