Fire industry recruitment survey


We are launching a survey to find out the extent of the recruitment problems within the fire industry.

Our Fire industry recruitment survey has now started.

After multiple verbal accounts of how difficult it can be to recruit new people, we are looking to find out the percentage of companies within the fire industry that are also suffering from a lack of skills.

fire industry recruitmentThe aim of the survey is to find out which parts of the UK are having the most difficulties, and which sectors precisely (does portable fire extinguishing have a bigger problem than fire risk assessment, for example).

We will be able to analyse the data sets and launch an investigation into the issues affecting the industry, narrowing it down by job title and industry sector.

In particular, we will be asking questions about job roles for 16-25-year-olds, to see if this age group could be targeted to solve the gaps in recruitment for the industry.

Take the survey»


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