The dangers of asbestos in the construction industry

the dangers of asbestos
© Arjan Van De Logt

JMW Solicitors, a law firm that provides legal representation for those affected by asbestos-related illnesses, details the dangers of asbestos in the workplace and how to detect and remove it, including the most common places it can be found

Despite being outlawed over 20 years ago, asbestos is still the most common killer of construction workers in the country. Due to the nature of construction, workers in the industry are far more likely to be exposed to asbestos than anyone else, as buildings constructed before 2000 make up a huge percentage of planned and ongoing construction projects today.

As workers spend extended periods of time in poorly ventilated spaces, the inhalation of even small amounts of asbestos fibres slowly cause serious health problems. Cancer and scarring of the lungs are only two examples of how this dangerous substance can destroy lives, leading to lengthy and expensive treatment – something the average construction worker will likely struggle with financially.

This is why it is important to be able to identify asbestos before it becomes dangerous – which is a challenge on its own.

What is asbestos?

Discovered in the 19th century, asbestos is a naturally forming mineral group formed from microscopic fibres, popularised in the UK during the 50s as its various applications mistakenly revealed it as a miracle construction material.

However, many years later, health problems with respiratory systems and cancers were linked to buildings and products made with asbestos, and it was discovered that the tiny fibres could be breathed in when disturbed, causing deadly illness over a long period of time.

The once thought ‘miracle material’, used for its affordability and strength, has caused countless problems since inception, and the UK government branded its use illegal in 1999, attempting to phase it out completely by encouraging its discovery and urgent subsequent removal.

The dangers of asbestos

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reports that there are currently over 5,000 deaths per year due to health issues directly caused by or related to asbestos – twice as many as caused by road accidents.

Additionally, as if asbestos wasn’t hard enough to discover in the first place due to its tiny fibres, the symptoms of asbestos exposure often don’t become visible for 30, 40 or even 60 years after coming into contact with it. While long-time construction workers may find it easy to relate these diagnosed symptoms to a point in their past, workers who were only on a short contract may find it much harder, leading to issues with proper diagnosis and treatment.

Crocidolite (blue), which is considered the most deadly variant, has caused one in five asbestos miners to have developed a cancer of the chest (mesothelioma). Further from this, the HSE estimates that over 50% of homes in the UK still contain asbestos.

It is absolutely vital to scan for sources of asbestos before beginning any construction work.

How to identify asbestos

Used in many construction projects due to its low cost and effectiveness, asbestos has different forms, can be found in anything from boats to school buildings, and was used in the form of standard wall and ceiling insulation, and even spray coatings.

Despite their different appearances, the types of asbestos are widely considered irrelevant, as each is extremely dangerous and should be avoided. The most common types – chrysotile (white) and amosite (brown) have both been linked to cancers.

While some sources of asbestos can be seen visually when in big blocks of insulation, it is much harder to detect in other forms, such as on floor tiles. In such cases, the only way to truly prove whether asbestos is present is through testing in specialist laboratories.

Most often, you should never attempt to move asbestos without the help of a professional. In rare cases where the source of asbestos is small or in a more durable form (non-friable), construction workers could attempt to test it themselves, but only if it poses no risk, and proper safety measures are taken, such as wearing suitable masks and suits, such as those mentioned above, that will stop fibres getting caught on clothing. Before attempting this, contact a specialist for advice.

The asbestos must first be dampened, which makes the fibres stick together rather than float off into the surrounding air. The sample must then be carefully placed into a self-sealing plastic bag (preferably polythene), into a second bag, and then labelled clearly. This is so that it isn’t disposed of incorrectly, which is a problem as the asbestos is then effectively ‘released back into the wild’; the danger will have simply been moved from one place to another.

Before attempting to move asbestos by yourself, please ensure you consult an expert, as even the slightest incorrect diagnosis of the situation could lead to releasing deadly fibres into the air and, subsequently, your system.

Asbestos can be found:

  • Most commonly in roofs and attic spaces in the form on loose fill insulation, within cement roof/panels and around cement water tanks, as its warming and strengthening properties made it very useful.
  • On the outside of roofs in soffits, cement gutters and downpipes.
  • In boiler systems, air conditioning and ventilation systems, which are especially dangerous due to their need to be checked often.
  • On walls, ceilings, beams and columns as textured, decorative coatings and sprays. These are the most dangerous forms of asbestos as they can be disturbed very easily.
  • In fire doors as insulating panels, and any work done to remove this should be reported to HSE.
  • In specific asbestos insulation boarding (AIB) partition walls.
  • In toilet cisterns and seats, window sills and bath panels in the form of composites.
  • On boilers and pipes as lagging, insulation, rope seals, gaskets and paper.
  • In fuse boxes, old fire blankets and gloves as their components can be made from asbestos textiles.
  • Under carpets and in vinyl floor tiles, which were especially popular at the time asbestos was used.

If you are working around asbestos, and you have already notified your employer or the relevant authorities, you should wear proactive equipment, such as effective face masks and suits that will stop fibres from getting on your clothes, skin and in your hair. You should also make sure you clean up any mess that is caused by the construction. This should be done in a well ventilated space, and very thoroughly, to avoid creating further issues and hazards.

Washing before breaks and leaving work at the end of the day is essential to stop the spread of asbestos fibres, and this should be done in dedicated portable showers in quarantine.

If you are an employer, is it your job to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and train yourself and your employees how to understand and deal with asbestos.

How to remove asbestos

Once asbestos has been identified, you should consult with and hire a professional asbestos removal specialist. They will have the proper equipment required to safely remove the dangerous substances, and will be able to advise you on actions you can take in the present situation and in the future.

Asbestos professionals wear PPE and respirators which are destroyed after their use to stop the dry asbestos fibres from being carried out of the contaminated zone.

Due to the nature of asbestos, after it is removed, significant work may need to be carried out to repair the areas where it was previously installed. Your business will need to source replacement insulation and repair any damaged structure that may have been augmented to aid the removal process.

Asbestos removal can be expensive and lengthy, so you should do thorough inspections of any buildings that you are looking to complete construction work on before you sign any leases, or make any concrete plans. And, it goes without saying, but do not attempt to save money by using asbestos as insulation in your new buildings as, even if you can get hold of it, it is unlawful and will cause you more problems than solve.

After asbestos is removed, contact your local council, and they will take care of the disposal. You should never dump asbestos in a skip or bin and, while it is technically legal to do so, you should avoid taking it to a tip site, as it could still be dangerous.

JMW Solicitors understands that it is a challenge to recognise asbestos and deal with its consequences. Our asbestos guide shows in a detailed infographic exactly where you can expect to find it.

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