Construction health survey launched


A new initiative has been launched to deliver baseline data on the health and wellbeing of employees in the building services engineering sector…

The Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA), the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA), and Constructing Better Health have joined together to deliver a major initiative on occupational health in the building services engineering sector.

The initiative will kick-start with a new sector-wide survey. It is hoped the collaboration will provide essential baseline data. This will lead to practical occupational health information and support for contractors.

The initiative came about in the wake of the recent ‘Occupational Health Summit’, which was attended by chief executives and directors of construction firms, as well as senior representatives from the building services engineering sector.

Paul Reeve, director of business services at the ECA said: “There are numerous examples of effective occupational health provision in our sector and, managed properly, it delivers business benefits and the career health of tens of thousands of engineering employees.

“But while there have been major sector-wide improvements in workplace safety, many contractors still struggle with occupational health.

“Our survey – which is aimed primarily at employers – aims to find out much more about the current situation, to give us an informed baseline for helping contractors to engage with both physical, and mental, health issues.”

BESA’s director of technical Tim Rook said the demands of the sector meant the health of its workers should be considered vital to success.

“By using the results of this survey we will be able to target and promote best practice, to help both on-site operatives and managers.

“I would encourage everyone to take part as fully and honestly as they can to make this initiative really valuable to the sector, the wider industry, and their own businesses”.

The survey is open until Wednesday 13 April and the findings will be shared with key stakeholders in the second quarter of the year.

Reeve added: “We urge all building services engineering companies to complete this short, confidential questionnaire, so we have the best possible information to help the sector move forward with cost effective occupational health management.”

The survey can be completed here:


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