Scottish Construction Forum calls on industry for future skills


The Scottish Construction Leadership Forum is reaching out to every part of the industry to seek its views on training provision and the intractable problem of skills shortages

The Forum, a collaboration between Construction Scotland, industry partners, the Scottish Government and other industry stakeholders, is issuing a comprehensive survey questionnaire to employers, designers, engineers, educators and construction and supply chain operatives.

The survey, which seeks views about college, university and training providers, is aimed at gaining a better understanding of any gaps in provision as well as highlighting quality and best practice within training courses across Scotland.

It will aim to inform the Action Plan which the Forum is developing as part of its Construction Recovery Plan, which will help the industry to Rebuild Better as well as, in the longer term, transforming the sector to build a stronger, fairer and greener economic future.

Skills to make the sector sustainable

Kirsty Duncan, future skills co-ordinator at Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, said: “As well as having a pipeline of work in the industry, it is vitally important that we also have a pipeline of skills coming through to make the sector sustainable.

“Skills shortages have been a recurring issue in construction and, by asking through this survey the views of those who operate in the industry, we want to be able to build up a picture of what approaches are working and what training initiatives need attention.

“I would ask everyone who has an interest in the future of the sector, which is such a vital part of the economy, to take part in the survey.

“Their input will help us map cross-industry activities around skills and training to aid good practice and collaboration and to minimise duplication.”


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