CSIC appoints new innovation manager


John Maclennan

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) has appointed John Maclennan as its innovation manager to drive collaborative innovation projects in the Highlands, Islands and North East regions

John Maclennan joins the CSIC team from Scottish Enterprise, bringing a wealth of experience of designing and developing business growth programmes, including the recent SCALE Summer School Business Programme, benefitting over 300 Scottish companies.

He also brings with him a strong understanding of the funding landscape and economic development opportunities.

Prior to joining Scottish Enterprise, where he led a multi-disciplinary team to deliver the Aberdeen Science Parks joint venture, Maclennan worked with Highlands and Islands Enterprise as a business development manager supporting companies in Moray.

In his new role as CSIC innovation manager, Maclennan will help to drive industry growth in the regions by supporting companies in the built environment to collaborate and adopt the use of innovative technologies, such as digitalisation, offsite manufacturing and low carbon solutions.

Driving engagement and collaboration

Lucy Black, director of Innovation and Engagement at CSIC, said: “Now more than ever the sector needs to unlock new opportunities and apply innovation to improve productivity and profitability as we adapt to new ways of working.

“John has a vast experience in supporting business growth and I am confident that he will play a vital role in driving engagement and collaboration in the construction sector through the creation of innovative partnerships.”

John Maclennan, said: “It is great to be part of such a high-energy team at CSIC, one that is committed to mainstreaming a culture of innovation and real transformational change for the better of society.

“The Highlands and Islands region is home to a growing construction and manufacturing base, and so bringing together industry, academia and public sectors will be key to driving change and growth.

“The programmes we will be delivering across the Highlands, Islands and North East regions will give better access to businesses in widely spread out and often remote locations, to help their development and growth.”

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