Drugs and alcohol at the centre of new CCS campaign


The Considerate Constructors Scheme have placed drugs and alcohol use in the construction sector at the centre of a new campaign…

Concerns relating to the impact of drugs and alcohol on the construction industry have prompted a new campaign from the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS).

A survey of 1,300 people in the sector revealed that 59 per cent of respondents were concerned about drugs and alcohol usage within the industry. A total of 35 per cent said they had noticed when their colleagues were under the influence of either substance. Furthermore, some 65 per cent said they had never been tested for drugs or alcohol.

In response to the survey, which was conducted by the CCS in May, a new ‘Spotlight on…’ campaign has been launched, focusing on protecting and safeguarding the workforce from these substances.

Many contractors, suppliers, and clients already have a zero tolerance policy towards drugs and alcohol. Some of the measures in place include random testing, toolbox talks, site inductions, and on-site posters. However, it is imperative this work continues if sites are to be made even safer.

Edward Hardy, chief executive of the Considerate Constructors Scheme said: “Maintaining a safe working environment is of the utmost importance for any employer; this not only applies to the workforce, but also the surrounding public and anybody else who may be affected.

“Spotlight on… drugs and alcohol is an essential read for everyone, as the Scheme’s latest industry survey revealed 59 per cent of respondents agree that drugs and alcohol are issues of concern.

“It is clear action must be taken across the industry to ensure workforce safety, health and wellbeing on sites and in companies throughout the UK.”

The survey also found 25 per cent of respondents thought drugs or alcohol had some impact on their performance by making them tired; 23 per cent said it decreased their attention during work; and 19 per cent said it made them less productive.

Case studies outlining how a number of scheme-registered contractors are handling the issue can be found here: www.ccsbestpractice.org.uk


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