Fire and security apprenticeship launched during major industry event


A new fire and security apprenticeship has been launched this week, with the aim of equipping the next generation with the necessary skills

A major industry event held at the UBM offices in London saw a new fire and security apprenticeship launched.

The event, which was jointly organised by the apprenticeship employers group, the Fire and Security Association (FSA), the Fire Industry Association (FIA) and the British Security Industry Association (BSIA), expects to see its first apprentices start in September 2017.

The event saw a number of senior industry figures give speeches. This included Pat Allen of the employers group, Gerry Dunphy of IFSEC/FIREX, and Simon Banks of CSL Dualcom.

Developed by leading industry figures

The fire, emergency and security systems apprenticeship trailblazer was developed over two years and has been designed to meet the business needs of the industry. It was approved by the government last year.

It will replace the current industry framework with a new apprenticeship standard and will impart the skills and knowledge needed to train the next generation of engineers.

Allen commented: “The entire industry was able to collaborate and create a clear standard that will give apprentices the core skills and experience they require to become the engineers of tomorrow.

“The new apprenticeship will now provide an opportunity for employers within the fire, emergency and security sectors to work together and influence the future of our industry.”


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