Geospatial Apprenticeships are given the green light from UK government


Geospatial Apprenticeships are now ready to be launched to the public after Damien Hinds, The UK’s secretary of State for Education, approved the final funding band for the new wave of apprenticeships

In addition, The Institute for Apprenticeships has made recommendations to Mr Hinds to approve funding bands for the Geospatial Mapping and Science Degree Apprenticeship.

Benefits for geospatial employers

Both apprenticeships were approved by The Institute for Apprenticeships in September 2017. Employers who developed the apprenticeships had been waiting for the final sign off on the funding band before they could begin delivery. Now that both funding bands have been agreed, geospatial employers will now be able to use their Apprenticeship Levy payments or Government’s apprenticeship funding, to provide development training for their employees.

The Survey Association (TSA), funds apprenticeship development work and aims to entice more young people into the survey profession. In order to deliver the apprenticeships, Apprenticeship Consultant, Christina Hirst lent her expertise to develop the work.

TSA Vice President, Nick Hampson said:

“I am delighted that the funding has helped to make the Geospatial Apprenticeships a reality. TSA member companies have made an important contribution to the Steering Group.

Since 2001, over 400 students have graduated from the TSA course in Surveying at the Survey School and the Geospatial Apprenticeships are the next logical step –  combining both funding and a recognised qualification.”

Antony Jenkins, chair of the Institute for Apprenticeships said:

“I am delighted that they have been able to approve these standards. High-quality apprenticeship standards like this help learners and employers reach their potential.

More and more businesses of all sizes are realising the benefits that high-quality apprenticeships can offer. The Institute is putting employers in control of developing the standards they need, giving learners a basis for lasting employment and overcoming national skills gaps.”

Recognition from professional bodies

The apprenticeships were formed by a group of 19 employers, led by Skanska and have been recognised by professional bodies including the Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors (RICS) and the Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES).

On completion of the apprenticeships, successful apprentices can apply to become members of the accrediting bodies.

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