Kevin Harris appointed as new interim CEO of CESW


Kevin Harris, long-standing member of Constructing Excellence South West (CESW), has been appointed as interim CEO whilst the organisation embarks on a new chapter

With experience across the construction, infrastructure, engineering, development and technology sectors, CESW has assigned Kevin to lead a reset, re-evaluation, and restructure of the organisation, which aligns with the plan that Chair of the board, Dan Macey, desires to deliver.

Membership sits at the heart of CESW and will be a big focus for Kevin with the support of the board of directors, who want to guarantee CESW members get the best value from its restructured approach.

Moving forward, members will have flexible options in how they are associated with the organisation irrespective of the organisation’s turnover, employee headcount or typology of business.

The need for positive disruption in the construction industry

Kevin Harris, new interim CEO, said: “I’m excited to be taking up the post of interim CEO and am eagerly looking forward to driving a fresh direction alongside our excellent board of directors.

“I’ve been involved with Constructing Excellence South West since 2010 and have a great understanding of how the organisation operates and understand where we need to focus our efforts this year.

“I can’t remember a time when the construction sector is more ready to be reconfigured and I believe the opportunity to deliver construction in a better way is upon us. The need for positive disruption and innovation, together with creativity and the desire to simplify, be straightforward and collaborative is now, and CESW will be at the forefront of this brave new movement.”

Constructing Excellence South West is a cross-sector, cross-supply chain, member-led organisation charged with driving the change agenda in construction.

The organisation hosts a series of webinars and events throughout the year and welcomes all members and key players within South West construction to get involved.

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