CCS expands to offer registration to professional services

Considerate Constructors Scheme , service organisations, construction industry
© Tund

Professional service organisations can now demonstrate their considerate credentials. The Considerate Constructors Scheme has expanded to offer professional service organisations the opportunity to register with the Scheme

This exciting development comes at the request of those already registered with the Scheme to ensure their entire supply chain is part of the Scheme, as well as an increasing number of professional service organisations wishing to be part of the Scheme to help improve their standards in considerate construction.

Eligible organisations providing professional services to the construction industry, such as architects, engineering consultancies, surveyors, accountants and lawyers, are now able to join the 7,000 plus construction sites, companies, suppliers and clients of construction projects who register with the Scheme each year.

Professional services account for around 11% (£186bn) of the UK’s Gross Value Added and employ around 13% (4.6 million) of the UK’s population.

Edward Hardy, chief executive of the Considerate Constructors Scheme, said: “We are delighted to welcome eligible professional service organisations to the Scheme. This is a significant development for our entire construction industry, as professional services form an integral part of the industry’s supply chain.

“The impact such organisations can have in becoming part of the Considerate Constructors Scheme to improve their standards will no doubt have a significant influence on improving the overall image of our industry.”

Click here to find out more and to apply to become a Scheme Registered Professional.

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