Thousands of apprentices to partake in major pay study


The government has announced thousands of apprentices will take part in a survey aimed at providing information on training, hours, and pay…

Research into the current status of apprenticeships will give thousands of apprentices a voice. The 2016 Apprenticeship Pay Survey will collect data from current apprentices, with the aim of helping the government to set policy.

The research will not be used to target specific apprentices or employers for enforcement activity, but rather to improve training in the sector.

The construction sector relies heavily on apprentices, even more so recently with the ongoing skills shortage. This form of training offers a way for young people in particular to carve out a career in the sector.

The survey will be carried out by independent organisation IFF Research, who will conduct short telephone interviews with some 10,000 apprentices.

Some of the questions likely to be asked include:

  • the number of hours you spend working for your employer, in a typical week
  • the number of additional hours you spend learning and training on top of your normal work. This could include attending college, courses, workshops or training sessions at your employer’s premises or held externally, learning at home, learning from workbooks, time with your assessor and time filling in a portfolio.
  • how much you earn – ideally the amount you earn in gross terms i.e. before tax, national insurance and other deductions.

This information will be used to analyse national wage levels, measure changes compared to last year, and monitor if rules on fair pay are being followed.

A similar survey was undertaken in 2014, the results of which can be found here:


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