Construction trade union members will plummet to 3%, warns report

Trade unions, construction employees, construction workers

Less than 4% of construction employees will be members of a trade union in 30 years’ time, according to new research into the decline of trade unions in the UK

Whilst construction employees continue to navigate through the uncertainty and concerns about job security that the pandemic has brought, figures from workforce management solutions provider Mitrefinch, found that interest in trade unions from construction workers has declined by over half (61%) since 1995.

Since trade unions recently intervened in the government’s package of measures set out to support workers through the crisis and have historically played a major role in improving construction employees rights, experts are questioning what impact the trade union decline will have on employee rights and wellbeing across the UK.

The data shows around 12% of the construction sector is unionised, in comparison to 17% of the manufacturing sector and 35% for the transport sector.

The results

Below are three simple tips from Julie on how construction firms can support their employees’ wellbeing both now and in the future post-Covid:

Providing mental health support

While the focus on mental health amongst businesses has improved in recent years, just half of UK firms have a mental health policy in place.

With mental health being so heavily impacted by the pandemic, it’s crucial that staff have access to support and feel comfortable escalating concerns with their line managers so they can get support when required.

Training your staff in areas such as signposting or even in mental health first aid themselves can help managers to spot the signs of mental health struggles and to take appropriate action, whether that’s direct intervention or through the use of an employee assistance programme (EAP).

Having a centralised policy that documents all of this can be a really helpful asset to ensuring all members of staff feel comfortable with raising concerns when they need to.

Review company benefits and support

Many employees are facing financial worries during the pandemic and salary sacrifice schemes are definitely worth considering if you’re not engaging in them already, they can be a really effective way in helping staff to manage their finances when budgeting in public transport costs, season-tickets or car parking into their budget.

Many firms have also introduced other benefits such as access to free health or life insurance policies, which can be critical when it comes to those unforeseen occasions.

Gather feedback from your team regularly

Employees have a need to feel listened to and valued by their employer, and to know that their concerns are being taken seriously. To support the wellbeing of the team, employers should be regularly checking in with their team to understand how they can better facilitate the needs of employees during this time.

It is crucial for employees to feel that the lines of communication are open with their manager and that they have a safe space to raise their concerns.

Therefore, managers should ensure they are scheduling weekly meetings with their team, where possible, to give their team an opportunity to discuss any worries, problems or questions they may have.

A worrying decline

James Powell, employment law solicitor at Richard Nelson LLP, said: “Workplaces with trade unions were found to have lower injury rates than those who manage their safety without a union in place.

“Unions can also play a significant role in reducing long working hours, bullying incidents, or poor quality working environments.

“This data suggests that the presence of trade unions in the UK construction industry is declining rapidly.

“This, in turn, gives unions less power and influence to make changes for their existing members. When unions have less representation, they are able to secure fewer negotiations since they do not have the same level of bargaining power.

“If this declining trend continues within the UK, we can expect to see unions holding less power to negotiate on behalf of construction employees in the coming years.”

Julie Lock, commercial director at Mitrefinch, said: “The analysis demonstrates a worrying decline in the percentage of construction employees engaging with trade unions across the UK.

“We are seeing the construction industry, as well as construction and hospitality see significant drops in membership which suggests trade unions could soon cease to exist in these sectors.

“With the support which trade unions can provide to employee wellbeing and engagement, this decline in data points to signs that employees may soon be navigating this alone.

“It is important for construction firms to continue to support the wellbeing of their employees in these sectors where trade unions are becoming less prevalent, especially with the additional worry which the pandemic has caused for workforces across the UK.”


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