Scotframe earns ‘NHBC Accepts’ assurance mark


Scotframe has become one of the first timber frame specialists in the UK to secure the NHBC Accepts mark for its Valutherm PLUS build system

NHBC Accepts is a comprehensive review service for innovative systems that builds confidence in the use of offsite construction techniques among developers, manufacturers and end-users.

Launched in 2020, it offers a fast-track route to acceptance, in recognition of the growing importance of modern methods of construction – referred to within the industry as MMC – such as timber frame.

This ‘closed’ panel system – available only from Scotframe – can be used to efficiently construct all types of housing, private and social, as well as commercial properties, including schools, hospitals and hotels.

The panels are constructed from a precisely-engineered ‘sandwich ‘of sheathing boards, performance membranes and high-performance factory-injected insulation. They provide high thermal performance and excellent airtightness in a robust and versatile build system.

Scotland leads the way in timber frame construction, with 83% of new build homes in Scotland using timber frame, compared to just 23% in England. However, the market share for timber construction in England is rising and Scotframe believes that the NHBC Accepts mark will support its growth plans in England’s heartland.

‘Faith and confidence in quality’

Greg Watson, technical manager at Scotframe, said: “We had to submit detailed and robust technical information about our Valutherm Plus build system which was comprehensively reviewed by the NHBC team against their robust standards.

“By securing NHBC Accepts, in addition to our existing BBA certification, we are able to demonstrate to industry colleagues and customers that our products and systems have been comprehensively reviewed by third party construction and insurance experts and found to be of the highest standard.”

NHBC innovation manager, Richard Lankshear, added: “Following a thorough approval process we are delighted to welcome Scotframe’s Valutherm PLUS to NHBC Accepts.

“An NHBC Accepts certificate is a way of demonstrating that innovative products or systems have already been reviewed thus reducing the risk of delays on site.

“NHBC Accepts will play a critical role in ensuring developers, manufacturers, lenders and consumers have faith and confidence in the quality of new homes built with innovative forms of construction.”

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