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National Apprenticeship Week

BSRIA reveals case studies in celebration of National Apprenticeship Week

BSRIA is celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2018 (NAW 2018) – running from 5-9 March 2018 – which brings together employers and apprentices from across England to celebrate the success of apprenticeships

McAvoy announces record year & £20m of new projects

The McAvoy Group, one of the UK’s leading offsite construction specialists, has announced a record financial year, accomplishing a 10% growth in turnover to £60m
renewable heat

BSRIA supports renewable heat incentive reform

BSRIA has announced its support of the “reformed and refocused scheme” for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) issued by the Government on 9 February following an industry-wide consultation
Construction output

Construction output expected to decline in the education sector

Following four years of consistent growth for construction output in the education sector, forecasts have indicated that output will decline slightly over the next three years before returning to growth in 2020 and 2021
social housing

BSRIA calls for more social housing to combat homelessness

BSRIA has commented on the announcement by MPs that said homelessness in England is a "national crisis" and the government's attitude to tackling it is "unacceptably complacent"
skills shortage

Opportunity knocks – but can the construction industry deliver?

Will the New Year bring hearty helpings of opportunity for the construction industry or a skills shortage hangover? David Edwards of Place-Make examines the evidence

Going offsite is the solution to the UK’s housing crisis: Discuss

Well, not quite the only solution but offsite is certainly a solution that can shake things up, says Ian Pannell of Buildoffsite
IDOX for digital transformation

The two faces of digital transformation

As the public sector progresses beyond digital implementation to evolution, Idox shares its views on how a people-centred approach to digitisation can help organisations...
planning departments

Council planning departments missing out on £70m, LGA warns

Council planning departments are set to miss out on an extra £70m by the end of the financial year, ‘hampering’ their ability to process applications, if the Government does not urgently bring forward measures to increase planning fees, the LGA has warned
fair funding

DCLG research contributes to fair funding review

The Communities and Local Government Committee has published independent analysis suggesting ways in which the current needs and funding assessments for councils could be made simpler
rail network

Hammond announces more money for rail network

Chancellor Philip Hammond has announced further investment in the UK rail network and an extra £300m to improve rail links in northern England
Digital Transformation Strategy

Delivering a digital transformation strategy – A review of the GDS

More than six months on from the Government’s Digital Transformation Strategy, Idox’s Steven McGinty reviews the current situation, looking at the champions of, and opposition to, the Government Digital Service
social housing Green Paper

Javid launches social housing Green Paper

Communities and Local Government Secretary, Sajid Javid, has announced at the NHF conference that the government will launch a social housing Green Paper
BIM Level 2 at Tata Steel

Can the construction supply chain deliver BIM Level 2?

Tata Steel’s Alex Small highlights the challenges of implementing BIM Level 2 for an industry largely made up of small and medium-sized enterprises Within the...
new homes

Government will fail on its promise to deliver a million new...

The Labour party has accused the government of dropping their pledge to build a million new homes during this parliament and failing to be transparent
NHS Estates

How NHS Estates are developing BIM, the NEC3 contracts and IoT

How the NHS Estates are developing BIM, the NEC3 and IoT are all addressed in an interview with Karl Redmond, Director of both BIM4HEALTH and BIM4SME UK Groups.
UK planning system

The UK planning system – Proposals for reform

In the final instalment of a two-part article discussing the British planning system, Christian Hilber, Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of...
BIM Level 3

BIM Level 3 & Beyond

The BIM Level 3 & Beyond | Moving Forward After Level 2 event held on 29th June 2016 at the University of Manchester proved...

The UK BIM Alliance – and about time too

The UK BIM Alliance will officially launch in October, but why do we need it? John Eynon, Joint Chair of BIM Regions UK and...

Is UK energy safer within the European Union?

Dr Kerry Mashford, Chief Executive of the National Energy Foundation, examines what the EU Referendum vote could mean for the future of UK energy...

The future of low energy homes

BSRIA highlight a recent event hosted on low energy homes and discuss what the future holds for the sector...  BSRIA recently staged an event on...

Wrexham Council to invest record £54m in housing improvement work

Wrexham Council's Executive Board has approved £54m investment, aimed at upgrading its housing stock... Wrexham Council’s ambitious project to modernize its entire housing stock has...

Affordable homes – the challenge for councils

The LGA argue that councils must have the flexibilities to shape the number, location, types and quality of starter homes to ensure that they...

The National Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016-2021

With the newly launched National Infrastructure Delivery Plan 2016-2021 covering more than 600 projects or programmes worth approximately £483 bn, it is vital to...

National Infrastructure Delivery Plan outlines priorities

A new plan has been published outlining the government’s infrastructure priorities for the next five years… The National Infrastructure Delivery Plan has laid out the...

Energy efficiency is infrastructure

Fraser Wallace, Policy Advisor for the Sustainable Energy Association argues that the government need to urgently recognise energy efficiency as infrastructure as part of...