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State of housing

Report: State of housing across the EU is ‘critical’

Research has shown that the state of housing across the EU is ‘critical’, as growth recovery sees house prices rising faster than income in most member states
Housing Infrastructure Fund

Housing Infrastructure Fund: What is it and will it really make...

Does the £2.3bn Housing Infrastructure Fund represent the next stage of a measured, strategic approach to tackling the housing crisis or is it another knee-jerk reaction? David Edwards of Place-Make assesses its likely impact
London boroughs

London boroughs estimated to fall short of housing needs

According to a new report, outer London boroughs in transport zones 5 and 6 are expected to build just 17% of the homes required in 2017
offsite construction solutions

Can offsite construction solutions kick-start a housing revolution?

The Greater London Authority’s Designed, Sealed, Delivered report calls on Mayor Sadiq Khan to kick-start a “housing revolution” through offsite construction solutions. Tim Hall of Buildoffsite offers his thoughts
regeneration revolution

Corbyn pledges regeneration revolution on social housing

During the Labour Party conference Jeremy Corbyn pitched a regeneration revolution, promising tenants a return ‘home’ to the same site on the same terms
new-build housing

Brits continue to snub new-build housing

81% of Brits snub new-build housing and call on the government to back the restoration of Britain’s traditional properties according to research by MFS
UK housing market and construction

How the UK housing market is evolving

In the wake of Brexit, Article 50 and the General Election in June 2017, the UK housing market is under great scrutiny as Mark Haskell discusses here
Accessible housing needs to be on the government's agenda post-election

Accessible housing needs to be on the government’s agenda post-election

Christina McGill, Head of Communications, Habinteg shares her wish list following the snap General Election and calls for accessible housing to be a priority
Housing Advisers Programme

New funds available under the Housing Advisers Programme

The Local Government Association has unveiled the Housing Advisers Programme – a new scheme to help councils tackle local housing challenges The Housing Advisers Programme,...
Housebuilders must recruit more women and young people to prevent workforce crisis

Housebuilders must recruit more women and young people to prevent workforce...

New research warns a workforce crisis is on the horizon if housebuilders do not attract women and young people into the sector
What do the results of the General Election mean for construction and housing?

What do the results of the General Election mean for construction...

The construction industry is facing yet another upheaval as the results of the General Election see the Conservatives scrabbling to create a coalition government
NACSBA calls on government to boost custom and self build housing in the UK

NACSBA calls on government to boost custom and self build housing...

Housing cannot afford to fall off the political agenda and the government should be looking at the scope of custom and self build housing to help tackle the crisis
Inclusive housing is on the agenda: what does this mean for planners?

Inclusive housing is on the agenda: what does this mean for...

The Housing White Paper could help meet the inclusive housing needs of older and disabled people, says Michelle Horn, Centre for Accessible Environments
There is no silver bullet to fix the broken housing market

There is no silver bullet to fix the broken housing market

The Housing White Paper failed to recognise two key factors that could fix the broken housing market: buyers and the supply-side. Buildoffsite explains
Housing associations are 'front and centre' in Housing White Paper

Housing associations are ‘front and centre’ in Housing White Paper

David Baybut, Head of Real Estate and Partner at law firm Stephensons outlines the key role housing associations have to play in tackling the shortage of homes
The Housing White Paper: not much stick and even less carrot

The Housing White Paper: not much stick and even less carrot

Mark Thackerey, Principal Consultant, Walsingham Planning outlines the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of the Housing White Paper
Small housing developments dominate London’s pipeline, but only provide one in five homes

Small housing developments dominate London’s pipeline, but only provide one in...

More support is needed for small housing developments to ensure demand for new property in the capital is met, says new analysis
Housing starts hit 9 year high

Housing starts hit a nine-year high, but is it enough to...

New government data has revealed the number of housing starts rose again last year, pushing figures to the highest level seen since 2007
Housing white paper

Housing White Paper: Acceleration needed for brownfield development

Michael Lunn, Director of Policy & Public Affairs, Environmental Industries Commission answers what the Housing White Paper means for brownfield development

Local community funding: a failure to pay for the true cost...

ACE's Director of Policy and External Affairs, Julian Francis, outlines why a community approach could be the key to solving the housing crisis
housing market

Is England’s housing market broken? Ministers believe it is

As the government prepares to unveil its long awaited White Paper Ministers have warned the housing market in England is broken
green belt

Green belt homes increase to 360,000 to meet government housing targets

The number of homes planned on green belt in England has increased to more than 360,000, leaving campaigners concerned
land prices

Land prices should be reduced to build affordable housing, says Shelter

Housing charity Shelter is calling on the government to reduce land prices to help with the construction of more affordable homes
starter homes

Starter Homes to begin construction this year says Housing Minister

The government has revealed the first wave of Starter Homes will begin construction in 2017, providing discounted properties across the country

Meeting a generation’s housing needs with “right-sizing”

Kim Vernau, Chief Executive Officer of BLP Insurance, discusses the difficulties facing older people seeking suitable housing in later life
German housing market

What can the UK learn from the German housing market?

A new paper compares the German housing market with that in the UK, highlighting possible lessons to be learned and missteps to be avoided