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surface water flooding

Could our housing crisis turn into a flood crisis?

Can we deliver 300,000 new homes a year without exacerbating the strain on urban surface water flooding infrastructure that is already struggling to cope in some areas? Matthew Elliot of WYG takes a look
Housing crisis

Addressing the housing crisis through creative reforms

Could changing planning rules to make it easier for homeowners to build upwards help to tackle the UK’s housing crisis? Paresh Raja of Market Financial Solutions takes a look

Going offsite is the solution to the UK’s housing crisis: Discuss

Well, not quite the only solution but offsite is certainly a solution that can shake things up, says Ian Pannell of Buildoffsite
London YIMBY

London YIMBY – A new approach to tackling the housing crisis

The YIMBY campaign aims to get the right homes in the right places by giving individual streets new powers over planning. London YIMBY's John Myers explains
housing crisis

FMB praise Mayor’s focus on small sites to help solve housing...

The London Housing Strategy’s strong focus on bringing forward more small sites will help solve London’s housing crisis according to the FMB
Offsite Manufactured Housing

Are offsite manufactured homes the answer to London’s housing crisis?

Could offsite manufactured homes be the answer to London's housing crisis? The London Assembly Planning Committee’s latest report suggests it could
tackling the housing crisis

Tackling the housing crisis must remain a government priority

Town and Country Planning Association's Kate Henderson argues that the government must not let Brexit distract it from tackling the housing crisis Brexit negotiations will...
Councils should be given a greater role to solve the housing crisis

Councils should be given a greater role to solve the housing...

A new report suggests the key to solving the UK’s ongoing housing crisis is to give local councils more power to buy and sell land
housing white paper

Housing White Paper: how the government will solve the housing crisis

The Housing White Paper was published today, with a focus on supporting SME housebuilders and giving councils greater flexibility to get Britain building Today the...
car parks

Could UK car parks offer the solution to tackling the housing...

New research has suggested UK car parks could be used to build hundreds of thousands of new homes
quick build homes

Quick build homes could offer the key to tackling the housing...

Tens of thousands of quick build homes could be constructed across the country to reduce the crisis in the housing sector
Funding needed for housing crisis

Allow councils to borrow to alleviate housing crisis

Allowing local authorities to borrow to build homes could both help tackle the housing crisis and mitigate any emerging economic uncertainty, the Federation of...
Housing Crisis

The Farmer Report: could modernisation solve the housing crisis?

The shortage of properties in the UK is a significant problem. Tom Shaw, Director of Ramboll addresses some of the measures that could help tackle the growing housing crisis
Further regulation won’t help solve the housing crisis

Further regulation won’t help solve the housing crisis

Reflecting on the recent APPG inquiry into the quality and workmanship of new housing in England, Rico Wojtulewicz, Policy Advisor at the House Builders Association argues that more regulation won't solve the housing crisis

The blame game: is the planning process causing the housing crisis?

Joanne Farrar, Technical Director of Planning, Atkins discusses whether challenges in the planning system are really to blame for the housing crisis.

Communities to help tackle the housing crisis by building homes

Locality is helping community groups to build homes in local areas in a bid to tackle the housing crisis Twenty-two groups across England are set...

Solving the rural housing crisis needs a planning reform

The new Communities Secretary should press ahead with reform of the planning system to help fight the rural housing crisis… The CLA has called on...

Building up could solve Oxford’s housing crisis

An economist has created a booklet examining a solution to the housing crisis in Oxford… Retired economist Charles Young said extending upwards in Oxford could...

Onwards and Upwards? – Londoners Reach for the Skies to Solve...

Mark Thackeray, Principal Consultant at Walsingham Planning examines if the housing crisis in London can be solved by building upwards... At a Green Belt seminar...

London needs more planning and tax powers to tackle the housing...

Experts have recommended London should be given more power to control planning, tax, and spending to ease the housing crisis… The London Housing Commission has...

Local communities tackle housing crisis by building their own homes

Local communities are creating affordable homes by setting up and managing their own housing developments… Local-led projects to tackle the housing crisis have given communities...
Building for life could help the housing crisis

Good urban design could help the housing crisis

John Slaughter, Director of External Affairs at the Home Builders Federation (HBF) details how ‘Building for Life’ represents good urban design, and could help with...
Bungalows can solve the rural housing crisis

Bungalows can solve the rural housing crisis

Rural communities face an urban exodus if a sustainable solution to the countryside’s housing crisis is not found. It is time for bungalows to...

The housing crisis requires ‘tough decisions’

Business Secretary, Vince Cable said more houses need to be built, even if it means using green belt. With housing inflation reaching 'dangerous levels', Vince...
Forlorn girl representing: Children in crisis: Confronting the stark reality of England’s housing emergency

Children in crisis: Confronting the stark reality of England’s housing emergency

In England, in 2024 it is hard to believe, yet the stark reality is we have over 240,000 children living in temporary accommodation. An unstable home environment can significantly impact children across various aspects of their lives. The effects of England’s housing emergency are far-reaching and profound.
Multifamily building in a Midwestern town, USA; parked cars by the building

Can retirement communities relieve the housing market crisis?

Retirement communities could relieve the UK’s housing market crisis by offering affordable housing options and freeing up larger homes.