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Digitising Construction

Digitising Construction conference to be held in London to highlight BIM...

A jointly hosted conference on Digitising Construction is to be hosted in London to discuss the practicalities of BIM adoption
Cyber security vs the regulator: do you know where you stand?

GDPR: ‘Fresh Thinking’ and ‘A New Paradigm’

Cyber crime is a growing problem that has an impact on small businesses. Here, BeCyberSure discusses the implications and challenges
offsite construction

Offsite construction conference to be hosted by BRE

BRE is to host a conference in Watford tomorrow examining the role of offsite construction in the delivery of build-to-rent homes
workers' rights

Workers’ rights challenged after freelance plumber wins landmark court case

A freelance plumber has won a legal battle against Pimlico Plumbers after the court deemed he was entitled to basic workers’ rights
housing white paper

Housing White Paper: how the government will solve the housing crisis

The Housing White Paper was published today, with a focus on supporting SME housebuilders and giving councils greater flexibility to get Britain building Today the...
skills card

Skills card audit planned across the construction industry

Construction workers will be expected to show their skills card on 8 February as part of an industry-wide planned audit
New Homes Review

Staying warm in winter – protect your new build home

Winter will soon be kicking in and when the weather worsens it’s best to be prepared. We have put together some useful information for...
New Homes Review

New year, new home? The benefits of buying a new build

Are you considering buying a new house next year? Many people use the Christmas period to discuss their plans for the coming year. The decision...
mental health

Mental health awareness campaign launched for the construction industry

Health in Construction Leadership Group and the British Safety Council launch a new programme to raise awareness of mental health in construction
cyber attack

 Cyber attack: is your building at risk of criminal threats?

A new survey has revealed 39 per cent of respondents do not protect smart buildings against the threat of a cyber attack
PLANTWORX Construction Machinery

PLANTWORX Construction Machinery exhibition to be held in June

The third biennial PLANTWORX Construction Machinery exhibition will be hosted at Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground in Leicestershire on 6-8 June 2017

It is time for some clear thinking about guidance on glass

About Access outlines the need for greater guidance when it comes to glass and highlights opportunities to ensure good design also incorporates safety

Planning and building regulations encourage a ‘tick box’ mentality

Planning and building regulations allow developers to make bad technical decisions. David Frise, Head of Sustainability, BESA, has an alternative approach
Cyber security vs the regulator: do you know where you stand?

Cyber crime keeps executives at smaller firms awake at night too

Cyber crime is a growing problem that has an impact on small businesses. Here, BeCyberSure discusses the implications and challenges
Autumn Statement

Autumn Statement reveals housing delivery investment

Housing, infrastructure and transport gain significant investment following the government’s Autumn Statement

National Awards for top construction companies and suppliers

The Considerate Constructors Scheme has recognised the Most Considerate Companies and Suppliers at this year’s National Awards.

Clearbox helps Kier achieve BIM Level 2 compliance

BIM is fast becoming a word many are tired of. While it represents the enabler to describe the digital transformation of construction, it is also a misused and abused term to describe a variety of expectations for the user, which leads to frustration and disappointment.
cyber crime

 Cyber crime in the supply chain – the insider threat

Cyber crime is a major threat to any business, large or small, so action to protect against it should be high on the board agenda. Andrew Taylor, CEO of BronzeyeIBRM explains where the main threats originate and how to protect yourself
BIM security

Delivering BIM in a safe and secure environment

PCSG chairman and UK BIM Task Group Chairman Mark Bew explains at the Expert Forum 2016 how data drives a safe and secure future…
BIM4Police Group and the need for consistency

The BIM4Police Group: A roadmap for standards

The aims of the BIM4Police Group, including the need for consistency, are explained by Javed Edahtally, Chair of BIM4Police and Head of BIM, Computer Modelling and Analysis at the Metropolitan Police Service.
Further regulation won’t help solve the housing crisis

Further regulation won’t help solve the housing crisis

Reflecting on the recent APPG inquiry into the quality and workmanship of new housing in England, Rico Wojtulewicz, Policy Advisor at the House Builders Association argues that more regulation won't solve the housing crisis
housing shortage

State of the Nation – A housing shortage

In addressing the continuing issue of a housing shortage, Richard Ogden, Chairman of Buildoffsite is still waiting for a modern, innovative approach to delivering the homes that the UK needs.
Secured by Design

Secured by Design – reducing crime by good design

Secured by Design is a national police project which aims to improve the physical security of a home.

Long term London unemployed to start careers in construction

Councils across London have come together with seven boroughs and the City of London to help unemployed people start a career in the construction sector.
district energy systems

Imagining the district energy systems of the future

District energy systems and CHP can work but need to be updated in line with a modern energy strategy, writes Ground Source Consult’s Andy Howley.
fire safety

Fire safety on site

Are you the appointed ‘Responsible Person’ for fire safety? BAFE outline how to ensure you implement strong measures to reduce the risk of fire on your site.