buildingSMART appoints Clive Billiald as chief executive officer


buildingSMART International has appointed Clive Billiald as its chief executive officer, effective January 3, 2023

The appointment of Clive Billiald as the new CEO is a crucial milestone for buildingSMART to support the growing industry demand for open standards and openBIM®.

Billiald will take over the role from Ian Howell, who stepped in as Interim CEO following the loss of Richard Petrie in April 2022.

Billiald has a strong track record of leading building, engineering, construction and technology firms

He will lead buildingSMART International and focus on the core programs, User, Compliance and Solutions and Standards with the support of the executive management team.

Billiald has a track record of leading, building and reforming engineering, construction and technology organisations in a multinational environment, most recently working for Bechtel as a regional delivery director.

Prior to joining Bechtel, he held various roles in the UK Ministry of Defence and has been seconded to countries such as Australia and the United States of America throughout his career.

Clive Billiald has a deep understanding of the buildingSMART mission and goals

Patrick MacLeamy, board chairman, buildingSMART International, commented: “I am very pleased to announce that Clive Billiald will become the new CEO of buildingSMART International effective January 3, 2023.

“Clive was selected after a rigorous six-month recruitment process in which we considered 190 candidates and interviewed Clive a total of four different times. The final interview with Clive was by the Board Selection Subcommittee consisting of Rasso Steinmann, Jugal Makwana, Anna Moreno and me during our recent International Summit held in Montreal.

“During the selection process, Clive impressed us with his deep understanding of the buildingSMART mission and goals, and especially his commitment to helping us fulfill our vision. Clive also understands and respects the legacy of Richard Petrie, who did so much to create the buildingSMART of today.

“Interim CEO Ian Howell deserves our gratitude for his leadership during a very difficult time, and for his commitment to assist Clive during this leadership transition.

“Please join me in welcoming new CEO Clive Billiald to the buildingSMART International Friendship Club!”

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