£297m East Sussex highways and infrastructure contract secured by Balfour Beatty Living Places

Balfour Beatty Living Places has secured a seven-year agreement with East Sussex County Council for a highways and infrastructure contract worth £297m

Balfour Beatty Living Places has secured a seven-year agreement with East Sussex County Council for a highways and infrastructure contract worth £297m

East Sussex County Council has awarded a £297m seven-year highways and infrastructure contract to Balfour Beatty Living Places.

Under the terms of the new contract, Balfour Beatty Living Places will deliver infrastructure services and maintenance of highway assets across the county.

The contract is scheduled to commence in Spring 2023, with an option to extend the contract by a further seven years if the initial phase is delivered successfully, worth a total £730m.

The contract will provide seasonal support as well as general maintenance

Balfour Beatty Living Places will establish a new facility in East Sussex, using technologies and systems designed in-house to provide a single source of visibility to monitor all activities in real-time and track progress of works.

This will enable data-driven decision-making to drive efficiencies across the network.

The company will work alongside East Sussex County Council to maintain the county’s highway network and infrastructure, including roads, pavements, drainage, streetlights, traffic lights and bridges.

In addition, they will also provide winter gritting services and deliver highway improvement schemes.

Benefiting the local area through employment opportunities

Cllr Claire Dowling, the county council’s lead member for transport and environment said: “It is vital for our residents and our economy that our road network is well-maintained, and work carried out is of the right quality.

She added: “As well as demonstrating that this could be achieved, Balfour Beatty Living Places also showed how its activities would align with our ongoing efforts to reduce our carbon emissions and how its actions would benefit the communities of East Sussex through its social value plan, including training, apprenticeships and community projects and events.

“Balfour Beatty Living Places has a lot of experience with highways maintenance and major infrastructure projects, delivering services with a number of councils across the country and we look forward to working with them in East Sussex.”

As part of its commitment to the 5% Club, the company expects the number of people in earn and learn positions will increase to 10% during the contract term through its partnership with the Youth Employability Service East Sussex.

Steve Helliwell, managing director of Balfour Beatty Living Places said: “Our dedicated team of professionals will seek to introduce new technologies and innovative solutions wherever we can, helping us to create great places to work, live and play, whilst also leaving behind a lasting positive legacy for the communities in East Sussex.”

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