38 affordable new homes given the green light in Kirkintilloch


38 new affordable homes have been given the green light in Kirkintilloch by East Dunbartonshire Council’s planning board

The planning board approved planning consent for the demolition of the former Lairdsland Primary School on Kerr Street to allow the construction of the new homes in Kirkintilloch at its meeting on Tuesday (2 July).

Work on the new homes, which will consist of two blocks of 12 one bedroom and 26 two bedroom flats with car parking and a public landscaped courtyard, is anticipated to start early in the new year.

Councillor Billy Hendry, convener of the East Dunbartonshire Council’s place, neighbourhood & corporate assets committee, commented: “The development of these flats is exciting news at a time when the demand for affordable homes in East Dunbartonshire continues to grow.

“This site forms part of the Council’s affordable housing investment programme, which will deliver around 250 homes over the next two to three years, helping to meet the needs of local people who are finding it increasingly difficult to get on the housing ladder.”

Plans to build 87 affordable homes on the site of the former headquarters of East Dunbartonshire Council in Kirkintilloch also moved one step closer in June.

75 affordable homes were proposed on this site, with around 12 further being made available for shared equity purchase.

The council, along with development partner hub West Scotland, is proposing to develop the site of the former Tom Johnston House.

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