Community development in Maidstone receives green light


Maidstone Borough Council has granted planning permission for a new development of 800 homes

Eight hundred new homes are set to be built in Maidstone after the borough council granted planning permission for the scheme, subject to the completion of a legal agreement.

Developer Countryside submitted the plans for the mixed-use scheme, which will be located south of Sutton Road. The development will consist of 240 affordable homes, 60 extra care units, a new primary school, neighbourhood centre, and nearly 50 acres of public open space.

The development will deliver high quality homes while boosting the local economy.

Countryside’s managing director of strategic land Andrew Carrington said: “We are delighted that our plans for this exciting new community have been approved.

“Considerable care and attention has been given to ensuring that the proposals will facilitate the creation of a thriving new community within a beautiful setting.

“The fact that Historic England has welcomed our plans for redevelopment means a great deal, and is testament to Countryside’s ethos on enhancing the local landscape and communities we work with to create places people love to live.

“The delivery of up to 800 new homes and the associated community facilities provides the opportunity to both stimulate the local economy and assist Maidstone Borough Council’s aim to improve the supply of high quality new homes in the Borough.

“Overall, there’s a lot of excitement about this particular development and we look forward to delivering this fantastic scheme over the coming years.”

The development will be constructed with care for the surrounding countryside and will include parkland, children’s play areas, orchard planting and community allotments as part of the open space. Furthermore, work will be undertaken on new footpaths and cycle routes.

Construction is expected to start next year.


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