Bangor’s art centre construction ‘chaotic’


A construction worker has revealed the chaos surrounding the development of Galliford Try’s Pontio art centre at Bangor University…

The art centre, which is expected to open in September, has been described a “chaotic” project by a construction worker.

The £49m art centre in Gwynedd is being paid for predominately with public funds. However, the worker said there had been a number of problem on the project. Photographs of the site have revealed newly-laid floors had been dug up and finished walls and ceilings pulled down due to extensive water damage.

The site worker said it was a difficult project, stating: “You get sent to do something in the morning, and then halfway through the day you get pulled away to do something else.

“So, boards and ceilings are going up without asking the electricians or the plumbers if they’ve finished in the roof. They then have to cut out holes to bring their cables through.”

The worker added: “They might open in June. But you’ll have some painters who’ll still be there at least until September.”

Galliford Try said the challenges it had faced were not outside the realm of what was considered “ordinary”, and that it aimed to deliver a “high quality” building.

A spokesperson for the firm said: “None of these issues has been out of the ordinary experience of a construction process and all of these challenges are being met, ensuring that the high quality finish of the final building is not compromised.

“We remain committed to working collaboratively with the University of Bangor and all the stakeholders involved to reach a successful conclusion to this prestigious project as soon as is practically possible.”

A spokesperson for Bangor University also commented, stating: “Galliford Try have assured us that they will complete the building to a high standard of finish and we look forward to seeing the building open.”

The final £1m of capital funds promised to the project by the Arts Council for Wales is currently being withheld until the project is back on track.

A spokesperson said: “Although we are a minor contributor to the overall project costs, we have been very concerned about the well-publicised delays to this important project.

“We have urged Bangor University to work closely with the project contractors to bring outstanding matters to a speedy conclusion. The remaining funds that we have allocated to the project have been held back until that happens.”

The Welsh government said: “We are keen that the current delays should not affect the longer term benefit of the project for the people of north Wales and will continue to support Bangor University so that the project can be completed as soon as possible.”

The project is set to comprise of a theatre, a cinema, and an innovation and creative hub which will be linked to the university.


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