CSIC teams up with Construction Innovation Hub


The Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) has partnered up with the Construction Innovation Hub to transform the construction sector across the UK

Launched in October 2014, the CSIC industry-led team have been linking together businesses, university experts and public sector providers including Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Development International to support businesses to deliver transformational change in construction.

The Construction Innovation Hub which launched late last year, brings together expertise from the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), BRE (Building Research Establishment) and the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB). The Hub is funded by UK Research and Innovation through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and aims to be a catalyst for change, driving collaboration to develop, commercialise and promote digital and manufacturing technologies for the construction sector.

The two organisations will be working in close partnership to deliver a transformation in the construction sector right across the UK, including embracing modern methods of construction, sustainability and new digitally-enabled manufacturing and assembly technologies.

Construction Innovation Hub programme director, Keith Waller said: “A key part of delivering on our mission to be a catalyst for change will involve working closely with government departments, academia and organisations across industry, sharing knowledge, ideas and expertise.

“Since its launch in 2014, the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre has had an impressive impact, supporting projects and bringing new products and services to market. We are excited to be working together in the coming years to deliver real transformation, which will benefit not only the construction sector, but the environment and society more widely”.

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre CEO, Stephen Good added: “CSIC are delighted to be partnering with the Construction Innovation Hub to deliver the ambitious Transforming Construction programme across the UK.

“Scottish businesses and universities have embraced CSIC’s innovation programme over the past 5 years and the opportunity to scale the impact of this further through close collaboration with the Construction Innovation Hub is clear.”

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