CLC urges construction workers to wear face masks in enclosed spaces


The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is urging contractors to continue to supply workers with face masks in enclosed spaces after Covid restrictions lift from 19 July

The CLC has called on contractors to employ a consistent approach as Covid rules on social distancing and face masks relax.

Workers are being urged to wear face masks in crowded and enclosed spaces when people mix with others they don’t normally meet. This is in line with the latest Government advice which outlines that face coverings should be worn in crowded spaces, such as public transport.

Continuing to work safely

In its statement, the CLC said: “The construction sector has faced significant challenges during the pandemic and we should be very proud of the way our people and projects have dealt with the restrictions imposed over the last 18 months.

“The CLC Site Operating Procedures and Branch Operating Procedures have played an essential role in enabling the industry to continue working safely throughout the various lockdowns and their adoption on over 99% of sites ensured consistency across the supply chain.

“Whilst it would be inappropriate for the CLC to seek to impose on the industry any requirements over and above those set out by the government, we recognise that businesses across the supply chain have welcomed the consistency that the CLC guidance has provided.

“They may choose, or be asked, to maintain elements of social distancing for the time being, in which case the Site Operating Procedures and Branch Operating Procedures should continue to be followed.

“The Site Operating Procedures and Branch Operating Procedures have helped the industry to adopt some good practices over the last 18 months, including more organised sites, enhanced welfare facilities, increased ventilation and improved communication with the workforce, which the CLC would strongly recommend are retained.”

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