£150m Crawley town centre regeneration scheme underway


Crawley Borough Council and development firm Westrock have appointed Kier to deliver the new Crawley town centre regeneration scheme

Work on the Crawley regeneration scheme is already underway with 91 apartments, set over nine storeys currently being completed on the site of a former two-storey car park next to the current Town Hall.

The project, which will be completed in December 2021 involves the demolition of the existing Town Hall and the construction of a nine-storey building that will house the 41,000 sq. ft. Town Hall as well as 77,000 sq. ft. of commercial office space.

Once the new building is open, the remainder of the current Town Hall will be demolished to make way for the final phase of redevelopment, a 10-storey block featuring 182 apartments with ground floor commercial space opening on to a new public square.

Once complete, alongside the new Town Hall and commercial units will be 273 new apartments, including 109 affordable homes and a new public square with public artwork.

Milestone of the new Town Hall for Crawley

Chris Lawrence, operations director for Kier Regional Building, said: “The start of works on this impressive project is a major milestone in the construction of the new Town Hall for Crawley Borough Council.

“As the local Crawley-based office of Kier Regional Building we are delighted to be delivering this project and look forward to seeing the structure take shape in the coming months.”

Councillor Peter Lamb, leader of Crawley Borough Council, added: “This is a hugely important step in this major project because this investment will save money for taxpayers and generate income for the council, which will help us maintain services. This is a very good deal for Crawley.”

Matt Willcock, development director of Westrock, said: “Our joint venture with Crawley Borough Council shows the benefits of public-private partnerships. Working closely with Crawley, we will deliver much-needed new housing, workspace and public realm as well as an upgraded Town Hall.”

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