Pagabo launches bid race for £1.1bn demolition framework

demolition and land preparation framework
© Anteroxx

The tender documents are now live for Pagabo’s £1.1bn Demolition and Land Preparation Framework, which is set to go live in February 2022

The Demolition and Land Preparation Framework contains a total of five lots, nine project types and up to 15 geographical regions.

The framework will ultimately operate through a maximum of 9 contractors per project type per region per lot.

The 9 project types covered are:


  • Demolition of structures 5-storeys and below
  • Demolition of structures 6-storeys and above
  • Decommissioning and decontamination
  • Industrial dismantling and de-planting
  • Demolition of non-traditional high-rise structures.

Land preparation

  • Bulk earthworks and waste management
  • Contaminated land remediation
  • Mine work remediation
  • Ground improvements.

‘Rebuild with confidence’

Jason Stapley, Pagabo’s managing director, said: “Our new demolition and land preparation framework offers the market an excellent opportunity to help public sector bodies rebuild with confidence and excellence.

“Breaking down the lots into smaller geographical regions intends to offer opportunities to SMEs and promote the idea of suitability prevailing. This decision comes from our own research and the feedback we receive from clients nationwide.

“Our role is to facilitate in the best way we can and to do this we ensure that collaboration is encouraged across our ecosystem and the wider built environment network.”

Included in the range of projects available are structure demolition, ground improvement works, bulk earthworks, industrial dismantling and the demolition of non-traditionally constructed high-rise structures.

Stapley added: “There is plenty of discussion at the moment around demolition and rebuild projects due to the potential environmental impact.

“One thing that this framework will do is ensure specialist firms are best placed to support the start of this process if this is the route that public sector organisations decide to take for their estate.”

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