AmeySRM secures £23m expressway bridge replacement scheme 

bridge replacement, amey, highways england

Highways England and Amey Sir Robert McAlpine (AmeySRM) have signed a £23m contract for works to start on the A533 expressway bridge replacement scheme in the North West of the UK

The existing 70-metre span bridge, which carries the A533 expressway over the M56 motorway has reached the end of its life and needs to be replaced with a new two-span structure that will be constructed adjacent to the existing bridge.

The replacement bridge will provide improved cycle and pedestrian facilities, which are vital for improving both safety and journey experience on the strategic network.

To ensure that the works cause minimal disruption to customers, the main concrete bridge deck will be assembled offline in a nearby compound, then transported and lowered into its final position using innovative technology, a self-propelled modular transporter.

Once the replacement bridge has been opened to traffic, the existing structure will be demolished and the area fully reinstated.

M6: Junction 19 appointment

AmeySRM is currently working on the construction of a £43m overhaul of junction 19 of the M6, with a new bridge through the existing roundabout and over the M6, creating a better flow between the motorway and the A556.

AmeySRM was awarded the scheme by Highways England and is one of 13 companies – known as Delivery Integration Partners (DIP) who are currently working on 18 packages of projects.

For better journeys

Robert Allen, framework partnership director for AmeySRM, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded the A533 bridge replacement scheme by Highways England.

“Our combined skills in bridge engineering, road maintenance and above all, safety will be invaluable in delivering all elements of this exciting project, from design and demolition to construction.

“This scheme is one of a number of comprehensive upgrades our collaborative approach as AmeySRM is delivering across the North-West, creating better journeys for those using the network.”

The contract will see construction works start in Spring 2021, with the scheme due for completion in Summer 2022.

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