The Floating House on the River Thames at Marlow has been made possible by Cementaid’s Everdure Caltite System Hydrophobic and Pore-blocking Ingredient (HPI) for membrane-free, truly waterproof structural concrete
The first-ever “amphibious” or Floating House in the UK was built on the flood banks of the Thames River in Marlow and completed in 2014. The amphibious performance of the house is made possible by the use of Cementaid’s time‐proven Everdure Caltite Hydrophobic and Pore‐blocking Ingredient (HPI) for concrete.
In addition to many other sustainability and speed of construction advantages, the use of concrete containing Everdure Caltite negated the use of water-resisting membranes which would have been difficult to install and also removed the difficulties in achieving continuity of waterproofing for a moving structure.
The Floating House – which is situated in its own “Dock” – is designed to allow the natural movement of rising floodwaters over the site, while the house structure itself floats harmlessly on the surface.
The dock extends to five metres below ground level. Four tall galvanised steel “dolphins” were installed around its perimeter to guide and stabilise the house structure during floatation.

The Caltite concrete basement slab and retaining walls of the house structure itself were then constructed inside the dock. The dock structure is designed to permit rising floodwaters to enter into the approximately 600mm space between the dock and the house basement, allowing the entire house to rise and float when sufficient flood water has entered into the dock. The house is designed to be able to rise up to two-and-a-half metres, based on worst-case scenario flood predications.
Waterproof, dry and corrosion-resistant concrete
This was only possible by the use of completely waterproof, dry and corrosion-resistant concrete achieved by the incorporation of Caltite into the concrete mix.
The below‐water basement level of the house includes a games and cinema room, as well as a study and utility room. The fully waterproof Caltite concrete means that interior floor and wall finishes of these basement living areas remain dry and completely immune to the effects of rising dampness, as well as any other moisture transmission that would otherwise occur through normal or ordinarily waterproofed concrete elements.
The photo below shows the placing of the Caltite concrete for the retaining walls of the house.
Grand designs
The Floating House was designed by BACA Architects. The use of Everdure Caltite to waterproof the house slab and retaining walls was specified by Teckniker Structural Engineers. The contractor was Greenford Limited.
The Floating House was featured on the well‐known Channel 4 series Grand Designs, the tenth Grand Designs house to use Everdure Caltite.
If you are interested in quality, durability and service then please contact Cementaid to discover how Everdure Caltite concrete can work for you on your projects.
Cementaid (UK) Limited, 1 Baird Close, Crawley, RH10 9SY or telephone Alistair McDonald on 01293 653 900.
Alistair McDonald
Cementaid (UK) Limited
1 Baird Close, Crawley, RH10 9SY
Tel: 01293 653 900