Former Housing Minister claims UK planning system is ‘confronting a major crisis’

planning system

A new report from the former housing minister, Nick Raynsford has said that the current planning system is broken and unfit for purpose

The Ranysford Review of Planning, suggests that the system is no longer benefitting communities or the country and is less effective than at any time during the past 50 years.

Speaking in response to Mr Raynsford’s claim that the planning system is ‘confronting a major crisis’, Stuart Irvine, senior director at leading national planning consultancy Turley, said:

“We recognise some of the frustrations identified in the Raynsford Review, however it is not the right time for comprehensive reboot of the system.

We also share some of the sentiments expressed by Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) but the focus should be on making the current system work better – to deliver the right housing in the right places, to support the economy as we face uncertain times, and ensure that we provide the infrastructure needed to underpin both.

“We would call on the TCPA to refine its ambition and focus on what is most important right now. In this respect, we are supportive of the concept of defining ‘rights’ including everyone’s right to a decent home.

These fundamentals should be driving the short-term future of the planning system.

The time will come for a more encompassing review but we see best value in promoting measures that channel the planning system towards positive and deliverable outcomes, rather than aspirational ones that will take many years to shape, debate and realise.”

The full report will be released later this week.

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