Plans in for new public realm infrastructure at Wirral Waters

Greenway: West Float project

A planning application for a major new public realm, the Greenway: West Float project, which will pave the way for the next stage of building and development has been submitted by Peel L&P to Wirral Council

The Greenway: West Float project will provide a footway and cycleway along the north side of Beaufort Road and the east side of Wallasey Bridge Road, separated from the road via an attractive landscape strip.

Greenway: West Float represents the continuation of a much wider programme of the streetscape, dock edge and new city squares that are being delivered across the wider Wirral Waters project.

The West Float neighbourhood of Wirral Waters is to be home to MEA Park, a waterside logistics, port and manufacturing campus, with the Greenway: West Float public realm work providing the initial infrastructure from which further development of this project can occur.

Greenway: West Float project

Creating an improved environment

Richard Mawdsley, Peel L&P’s director of development at Wirral Waters, said: “The Greenway: West Float public realm project represents the first stage of development at Wirral Waters’ West Float neighbourhood.

“The creation of a strategic east-west greenway across Wirral Waters, improving the environment and linking the development to the surrounding areas, will play a key part to help the delivery of MEA Park, building on historic associations and expertise within the local area.”

The public realm works will improve the environment but are also essential in providing further market confidence to investors and businesses to commit to locating at West Float.

The works will also make it easier for new employees and visitors to choose to walk, cycle or use public transport strengthening Peel L&P’s efforts to make Wirral Waters a development that enhances the health and wellbeing of residents and workers.

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