Harry Fairclough Construction falls into administration


After more than 120 years in business, Warrington-based contractor Harry Fairclough Construction has gone into administration

Founded in 1898 Harry Fairclough Construction employed around 150 people.

Staff were informed on 20 February that the business would be going into administration.

Employee reaction

Several former employees took to social media to express their sadness.

Carolyn Forshaw, financial and HR director at Harry Fairclough Construction, commented on LinkedIn: “It’s official: Harry Fairclough Construction Ltd is insolvent, has ceased trading and is to be wound up All staff, including myself, were made redundant yesterday…

“The site teams secured our sites, emptied cabins & returned IT equipment, small plant & vans to the office and our wonderful IT tech even assisted with recovery of personal data and porting over of mobile numbers.

“That is the true Harry’s spirit… Words cannot describe how devastated I am that we could not save Harry’s…

“To each and every one of the wonderful Fairclough folk I have had the pleasure of serving with, I wish you all the VERY BEST.”

Another employee said: “For the first time in my life I will be unemployed tomorrow. After over 125 years Harry Fairclough Ltd has ceased trading. Feel awful for my wonderful colleagues, supply chain and subbies that won’t recover from this. A truly sad day…”

In 2017/18, Harry Fairclough Construction made pre-tax profits of £118,000 with a turnover of £38m. The company has not yet submitted its 2018/19 report.

Industry reaction

CECA North West took to twitter to share its sadness at the news: “More terrible news for our industry, as Harry Fairclough has gone into administration. CECA NW is here to help find vacancies for staff.

“Let’s keep getting the message across: clients must increasingly recognise the pressures on contractors if they want their projects and the ones the public demands to be delivered.”

Michael Tobin, director at Heat & Screed, said on LinkedIn: “Sad to hear another regional contractor is going, both Bardsley & Harry Fairclough were customers of ours.

“Good staff at both companies that work hard, hopefully there are enough jobs with other contractors for them all.”

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  1. What a load of rubbish from Carolyn Forshaw…. Alot of the workforce found out by word of mouth with no official redundancy letters or notification handed out, not a Site Manager to be seen in the last few weeks.

    Typical Management attitude, covering up the true facts . Companies House shows she was removed as a Director of Harry Fairclough Constrfuction but her name still remains as a Director in other parts of he business. Harrys attitude is only for the office staff and brown noses, not for some of the true workers who now have no job and nothing to show for it.

    I hope she and the other Directors are hanging their heads in shame at the way the people out in the field and creditors have been treated!!

  2. Truly agree there was a complete another level of management not flat line and approachable the Yorkshire office did also play its part in loosing millions on failed projects and bad management

  3. Nothing new in the way staff are treated especially if you work directly for the firm, profits is all that matters to them . YOUR JUST A NUMBER!


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