Highways England publishes contract notice for £7bn SMP Alliance

SMP Alliance

Highways England has published the contract notice for its £7bn Smart Motorway Programme Alliance (SMP Alliance)

The SMP Alliance represents a new procurement model for Highways England to carry out its entire smart motorways programme using a production line approach.

Bids are being invited to find three tier one contractors, two ‘digitally enabled’ designers and a new production management specialist to create a production hub.

The objective is that the SMP alliance will increase lane capacity on all parts of the strategic road network by embedding technology and converting hard shoulders to all-lane running.

The entire 10-year spend is anticipated to be around £7bn with the new ‘onsite assembly partners’ sharing out £5.95bn across three new operating regions in the North, Midlands and South.

Highways England expects to cut spending, reduce work hours onsite, enhance innovation and make greater use of standardised design using the new SMP alliance approach.

Further procurement documents will soon be available at: highways.bravosolution.co.uk.

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