IES are named finalists in the VIBES Awards 2019

VIBES Awards promoting environmental change

IES has been named as a finalist in the Product Scotland category of this year’s VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards!

The VIBES Awards recognise the hard work and commitment of companies at the forefront of environmental change in Scotland. We are proud to be amongst 36 businesses from across Scotland – and just 5 in the Product Scotland category – shortlisted for these prestigious awards, with our innovative new ICL technology.

Now in its 20th year, the VIBES Awards focus on inspiring companies to play their part in meeting Scotland’s ambition to be a world leader on tackling climate change.

IES are acutely aware of the need to urgently take action against climate change. With the built environment currently accounting for 40% of the world’s energy use, buildings and cities have the potential to make the biggest impact in reducing carbon emissions globally. Improving their efficiency will be key if we are to achieve decarbonisation targets, such as the UK government’s aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050.

“The IES team has worked hard in recent years to develop the ICL, scaling our technology up from individual building level to facilitate lasting change across the entire lifecycle of the built environment – from citizen level up to companies, campuses, communities, cities and whole countries,” says Don McLean, IES Founder and Managing Director.

“We hope as more communities start to use this technology to reduce their own energy use we will, in time, cover – not just the UK – but the whole planet with energy efficient communities.

It is an honour to see our efforts recognised by VIBES and we look forward to welcoming the judges for a site visit next month to showcase our latest sustainability developments.”

Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on 14 November.


Interested to find out more about the products that got IES shortlisted? Find out more here.


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