Architect reprimanded after serious breach of Architects Code


Architect Jeremy Rolf Denn of DENN Architects in Essex has been reprimanded for failing to provide his client with adequate terms of engagement prior to undertaking any professional work

On 27 November 2019 the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) issued architect Jeremy Rolf Denn, of DENN Architects, with a reprimand.

The allegation

Jeremy Rolf Denn was appointed by his client in 2014 to provide architectural services for a kitchen extension, and then again in 2017 to prepare drawings and assist in obtaining full planning permission for a new build dwelling.

The client contacted the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to complain that Denn had failed to provide adequate terms of engagement for either project.

Jeremy Rolf Denn recognised that his letter of appointment was not fully compliant with Standard 4.4 of the Architects Code in that it did not identify the contracting parties or who would be responsible for what, provide details of arrangements for resolving disputes, or confirm that Denn was registered with the ARB.

 Unacceptable Professional Conduct

Denn admitted these failings amounted to unacceptable professional conduct and agreed to the terms of a proposed disciplinary order. He waived his right to have the case heard at a public hearing and agreed that a decision could be made by the PCC on the basis of papers alone.

In deciding the appropriate sanction the PCC noted Denn’s failings were a serious breach of the Architects Code while taking into account his insight into the failings and the absence of any previous disciplinary findings against him.

It, therefore, agreed a reprimand to be the appropriate and proportionate sanction.

The requirements of Standards 4.4 and 4.6

  • The contracting parties;
  • who will be responsible for what;
  • any constraints or limitations on the responsibilities of the parties;
  • the provisions for suspension or termination of the agreement;
  • a statement that the Respondent has adequate and appropriate insurance cover as specified by the ARB; details of a complaints-handling procedure;
  • details of any special arrangements for resolving disputes (e.g. arbitration);
  • that the Respondent is registered with the Architects Registration Board and subject to the Code.

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