Council retenders King’s Dyke crossing scheme


Cambridgeshire County Council has marked the start of the formal procurement process to secure a new construction partner on the King’s Dyke level crossing scheme

A call for expressions of interest from the open market has kick-started the process to find a new contractor for the much-needed Whittlesey King’s Dyke level crossing scheme.

Cambridgeshire County Council has published a notice and tender documents in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) marking the start of the formal procurement process to secure a new construction partner. This is required for tenders of this value in the public sector.

The King’s Dyke level crossing scheme will see considerable benefits for the local community by reducing journey times and unlocking housing and jobs growth within the town and along the A605 corridor. The scheme will also improve safety around the level crossing and support rail capacity enhancements across the wider region.

Cambridgeshire cut Kier loose in July after the contractors estimated costs trebled from £13.6m to £39m.

Cambridgeshire County Council’s leader, councillor Steve Count, said “I’m delighted to see that we’re moving forward – we’ve made our commitment to this scheme clear and this is a key date in our new programme that aims to get this scheme delivered as soon as possible.

“A shortlist of contractors that score highest in initial quality assessments, will be issued the main invitation to tender at the end of November and will then have four months to submit bids. This keeps us on track for the appointed contractor to start construction by December 2020.”

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