Wales launches National Development Framework vision

National Development Framework,
© Peter Etchells

Housing and local government minister Julie James has launched a consultation on the National Development Framework for Wales

The National Development Framework sets a direction for where new homes, jobs and services will be located and it identifies areas for renewable energy generation.

The framework includes proposals for new priority areas for large-scale wind and solar energy development to replace Tan 8, and a focus on growing existing urban areas and ensuring that homes, jobs and services are located in the same area.

The National Development Framework also aims to focus on delivering more affordable homes at scale and pace, with three clusters of towns and cities identified as nationally significant where large-scale housing and employment growth will be focused; Cardiff, Newport and the Valleys: Swansea Bay and Llanelli and Wrexham and Deeside.

Julie James said: “We want to promote sustainable growth in Wales, focused around existing towns and cities. This strategy is sufficiently flexible to respond to the challenges of the next 20 years.

“We are ambitious to increase the amount of renewable energy generated here in Wales; the National Development Framework sets out where we believe large scale renewable energy projects should be located in Wales

“We know that Wales needs more good quality housing; to develop renewable energy and for people to be able to access well-paid jobs close to where they live.”

James added: “I am committed to building more council housing at pace and scale in Wales, and to see far more affordable homes to rent from councils and other social landlords. I want a planning system that consistently meets all our needs; and for our villages, towns and cities to be organised in a way that makes it easier to live healthy and active lives, for us and for future generations.

“I believe the policies set out in the National Development Framework will help to deliver this.

“The consultation on the draft National Development Framework is now online, and I hope to hear from a wide range of people in Wales on our proposals.”

The consultation is open until 1 November 2019.

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