Preserving Nottingham’s history with security secondary glazing

Ducal Palace, Secondary glazing

In 2018, Grade I Listed Nottingham Castle has undergone a £30m conservation, renovation, and redevelopment to revitalise and restore the 17th-century Ducal Palace and its grounds

Selectaglaze worked with GF Tomlinson, the appointed main contractor, to ensure that the window reveals were robust enough to maintain the integrity of the security secondary glazing.


The historical landmark is situated on the historic ‘Castle Rock’ overlooking Nottingham, since the original wooden motte-and-bailey design was constructed under the orders of William the Conqueror in 1068.

In 1330 it became a royal palace and was the site of a gory rebellion when supporters of the young Edward III entered the Castle.

The ensuing years saw royalty come and go and was the location of many battles during the British Civil War.

In the 17th century it was rebuilt as a Ducal Palace for the Duke of Newcastle and was then burnt down again during the Reform Bill Riots of 1831, until Nottingham Corporation had the building comprehensively remodelled as a museum and art gallery.

Gradually the building foundations fell into poor shape and required extensive work to reinstate it back to its former splendour.

Architects Purcell (Nottingham) designed the works for this Grade I Listed provincial Baroque Style building. To open the gallery space, making it lighter and more welcoming, security secondary glazing which met LPS1175 SR3 was to be installed in some of the ground floor windows. This would permit the exhibiting of more valuable collections, as well as meeting the Government Indemnity Scheme requirements.

Providing protection and preservation

Once all the preparatory work had finished, six of the windows on the ground floor had two Series 43 demountable fixed lights, coupled side by side, installed in each with specialist laminate glass.

The windows in the mezzanine are were not considered a risk point, so Series 10 and Series 80 horizontal sliders with 6mm toughened glass were installed to boost thermal performance and make the space quieter.

As part of the redevelopment, a magnificent, delicate, and irreplaceable commemorative stained-glass window was restored and reinstated in its original location between the Café and Ducal Palace Galleries.

LPS1175 SR3 secondary glazing was installed on one side, as it was deemed to be in a vulnerable point of entry and would also provide protection and help keep it preserved.

Due to its size and curved head, four units were coupled together to create a sensitive treatment.

With the project complete and new points of interest created to remember some of the legendary figures associated to the location; visitors will be able to enjoy its varied history and experience the heritage of this iconic site, sitting atop the hill overlooking Nottingham.

Keeping historic architecture in mind

Sara Blair-Manning, chief executive of Nottingham Castle Trust, said: “The transformation that Nottingham Castle has undergone is amazing.

“We are thrilled with the work that Selectaglaze has carried out, providing protection and preservation whilst ensuring the renovations are sympathetic to the historic architecture – something that is incredibly important to Nottingham Castle Trust.”


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