PROFILE: Health and safety training


Over 25 years providing effective and efficient health and safety advice and training to the construction industry and others…

Callsafe Services Limited has been providing health and safety advice, assistance and training to our clients, and our clients’ projects, since 1987. Our clients have included many central and local government organisations, as well as private industry clients, designers and contractors.

Consultancy Services

Health & Safety Policy and Procedures

Current health and safety legislation progressively demands that safety procedures and safety plans are clearly documented. To that end Callsafe Services Ltd is experienced in the preparation and development of the following:

Company Safety Policy

The Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 requires any company that employs more than 5 people must have a written policy in respect of their health and safety. Callsafe Services Ltd will investigate the way in which a company operates and after agreement with the management, write the policy on safety and health. In this way clients have clear ownership of the policy.

Health and Safety Procedures

Health and Safety Procedures which are tailored to the client’s needs are produced so that standards of accident prevention are clearly defined, together with the machinery for their implementation.

Permits to Work

Permit to work systems are a familiar management tool used to enhance the safety of hazardous operations. Consultants can develop the permit to work system tailored to each company and covering such areas as:

  • Confined Space Entry;
  • Mechanical and Electrical Isolation;
  • Hot Works;
  • Excavation;
  • Temporary Works;
  • Works Commencement Certificates.

Safety Handbooks

Employees safety handbooks are used as a reference by employees who have to work to the standards defined by the safety procedures. These are produced as an extension of the safety procedures and complete the package of documentation required.

Safety Audits

Safety audits are carried out in a number of different ways and at a variety of levels within client organisations.

Management Safety Audits

Consultants will visit the client’s premises and will evaluate the way in which the Company is structured with regard to the management of safety and health issues. The audit will consider such matters as:

• The existence and quality of the safety policy, published safety procedures and other safety instructions which may have;

• Been established;

• The understanding that managers and non-supervisory staff have of their responsibilities towards accident prevention and occupational ill-health;

• The way in which senior management monitor the company performance in safety and health.

At the conclusion of each audit, a comprehensive report is submitted to the client.

Workplace Inspections

Consultants visit premises as a one-off exercise or at agreed intervals in order to carry out workplace inspections in conjunction with the local management. A report is issued for action by the site management. During such visits, time is devoted to discussing future operations and assisting with the planning so that hazards can be anticipated and avoided. If required, Callsafe Services Ltd place consultants on premises on a full time basis for both long and short term commissions.

Risk Assessments

Safety legislation requires formal assessments to be carried out in a wide variety of areas. Callsafe Services Ltd provides expertise to make such assessments in areas such as:

• Work at heights;

• Traffic management;

• Working around and over water;

• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH);

• Manual Handling;

• Display Screen Equipment (Visual Display Units);

• Noise;

• Workplace Health and Safety;

• Work Equipment;

• Asbestos;

• Fire.

Note that this is a non-exhaustive list, please contact us for further information.

All assessments are presented in a way which suits the client’s needs and if requested is carried out using the client’s risk assessment criteria and paperwork systems.

Specialist Services

Office Health Check

Even in high risk industries where the office environment is regarded as relatively safe and healthy, significant time is being lost due to accidents and occupational ill-health. Added to those risks is the ever present risk of fire.

Callsafe Services Ltd is experienced in conducting a wide range of audits and inspections and in steering employers towards a safe and healthy working environment.

Health and Safety for Small Contractors

This is a package designed to suit the needs of small contractors. It provides all of the elements required by small contractors relieving them of the nausea of health and safety paperwork leaving them free to run the business, whilst in no way reducing their involvement or authority. The package includes:

• Health and Safety Policy (writing or review);

• Health and Safety Procedures (writing and amendment);

• Health and Safety Training;

• Regular Site Inspection;

• General Support.

Health and Safety for Construction Professionals

Outside of the office, the risks to construction professionals are under the control of contractors or others. This however does not relieve the management of those people of their duty to ensure their health and safety.

This package for construction professionals provides the advice and support to assist in the execution of that duty. The package includes:

• Health and Safety Policy and Procedures (writing or review);

• Health and Safety Site Audits and Inspections;

• Health and Safety Training;

• Office Audits.

We currently supply the above services to construction client, designer and contractor organisations and facilities management.

Our most significant current clients for these services are McDonald’s Restaurants Limited and McDonalds Europe, but other contractor and designer organisations are also supported, either as part of an annual support agreement or a specifically defined work scope.

Callsafe Services Ltd is the Health and Safety Advisor for McDonald’s Restaurants Limited Head Office and Regional Offices and McDonalds Europe Head Office, plus other organisations.

Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015)

Callsafe Services Ltd is one of the foremost construction health and safety consultants in the UK. We aim to instil exemplar standards across all our services to attain the highest of health and safety criteria but with a realistic and pragmatic approach.

Callsafe Services Ltd have been involved in the construction industry since before CDM1994, acted as Planning Supervisors, CDM Co-ordinators under CDM2007 and are now acting as Principal Designers under CDM2015. We are also supplying CDM2015 Advisor services to Client and other Principal Designers. Callsafe Services Ltd are a Registered Practice with the Association for Project Safety (APS), so can demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement of our clients’ and our projects’ processes. Our consultants/trainers are all practicing health and safety professionals working within the construction industry, and have extensive experience as health and safety advisors and managers for Client, Designer and Contractor organisations, including facilities managers.

If you need an organisation that understands the requirements of CDM, projects, other health and safety requirements, and how these requirements can be achieved in a cost-effective way, to act as your Principal Designer or CDM Advisor, provide health and safety advice and assistance and/or provide effective training; please contact Callsafe Services Ltd to discuss your requirements.

Principal Designer

Our extensive experience in carrying out the CDM Co-ordinator duties in both building (including demolition and refurbishment) and civil engineering work, and our team of staff and associates qualified in many architectural and engineering disciplines, provides the skills, knowledge, experience and capability to carry out the duties of Principal Contractor on most project types. CDM Advisor

With the changes made to the requirements placed on duty holders by CDM2015, principally the Client and Principal Designer, Callsafe Services Ltd now provides an advisory service to CDM Clients who have the extended duties under CDM2015, without the advice and assistance previously provided by the CDM Co-ordinator.

We also provide this service to appointed Principal Designers, so becoming part of their delivery team and enhancing their skills, knowledge, experience and capability.

We also provide impartial advice to those carrying out the duties of Designer, Principal Contractor and Contractor with CDM and other site safety management systems and practical on site implementation.

Callsafe Services Ltd, as part of a consortium involving CH2M Hill, Arup and Black &Veitch, are the Resident Principal Designers in 3 of the Environment Agencies Regions. We also have a number of individual Principal Designers on the Principal Designer Panel, providing Principal Designers and CDM Advisors in all of the Environment Agency Regions. Principal Designer and CDM Advisor services are also provided to other organisations, including Veolia UK and McDonald’s Restaurants.

Health & Safety Training

Callsafe Services Ltd is one of the leading health and safety trainers in the UK. All of our trainers come from an industry background which enables us to bring practical, real-life experiences to our training.

Callsafe Services Ltd have been actively training since 1989, with a range of courses across the industry. We run all our courses as “in-house” at clients premises. In addition we run some public courses – click on the appropriate tabs to see the courses which may be relevant to you and then contact us so we can discuss your specific requirements. Training provided is made as appropriate and relevant to our trainees, incorporating client procedures and processes where possible.

The training provided by Callsafe Services Ltd includes a focus on effective communication and management, rather than just the production of documentation.

Accredited training is also available. Callsafe Services Ltd provides courses accredited by:

  • Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH);
  • Safety Pass Alliance (SPA);
  • Association for Project Safety (APS);
  • Construction Skills (CITB);
  • Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH).

Callsafe Services Limited regularly provides training to many diverse organisations, both is size and scope of work, including:

  • Environment Agency;
  • Institution of Civil Engineers Training (formally Thomas Telford Training);
  • McDonald’s Restaurants Limited;
  • DONG Energy UK;
  • Local Authorities;
  • Construction Employers Federation Northern Ireland;
  • Construction Industry Federation (Eire).

David Carr, PgD, FIIRSM, DipSM, RFaPS

Managing Director

Callsafe Services Limited

Tel: 01889 577701


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